Chapter 4: Out of Deck {Part 1}

Start from the beginning

So I asked Matt to babysit Lucy for a bit while we were gone... I trusted Matt to take care of her... he and Luz have a great bond already... It's funny to me how fast their friendship is and very happy about it...

For the Meanwhile, we went to the store and came back a few minutes later... we all got dressed up to wearing our summer clothing...

While I finished packing my stuff, now waiting for Edd to finish packing his things and packing his packs-...uhhh~ Cola... Of course, ready to go...

While waiting for Edd, for some reason I turned over looking at Matt playing with Lucy on the floor with his novelty toys having fun, I was surprised,... Matt never let anyone touch or play his novelty collections... It was very shocking weirdly enough..

Maybe because he found out that I have a kid now, that I'm the biological parent of her... I feel like he doesn't want me to be upset or mad about why he does not let her play with some of his toys collection or something, that would make Lucy cry but she will ask 'why?'..

Him thinking that I might start a huge bad argument with him asking, 'why she's crying?'.... Though it's very understandable but Matt knows I wouldn't do that anymore.. I respected him now, of course,.. I know, I'm always the one who starts the fights and I know we never got along very well long ago but it's bygone now, it's the past... honestly I do have so much regret but I have a very rough childhood that my father's died and mother-... Honestly I have no idea where she is... But I always target Matt so long again we were kids back then it's not his fault..

This is very rare for me to say this but he's a very caring and lovely guy even though sometimes he can be very annoying but ... He's a reasonable person, I respect him .. it took me a while to see that though...


"Okay everyone! ready to go !!" Edd said in a delighted shout while closing his dark green suitcase...

"Yeah!!" We all yelled...

"Alright let's go!.."

All of us, meaning the grow ups... we all started to bring everything down from our apartments to the elevator, to Edd's car one by one...

When I'm getting the last bags are my suitcase and my daughter's across the hall... I saw Matt walk past me then watched him walk down across the hall to my apartment..

Again I saw him go inside quickly and get Lucy in his arms then he turned around to shut the door behind him, its funny enough that's exactly what I told him to do...

I remember specifically, I said to Matt.. 'get your things down in the car then go up get Lucy and walk out of the apartment and lock the doors for me'... It's a piece of cake right...

I smiled, feeling very appreciative of Matt helping out like he never before-....

But not long after out of nowhere... my eyes started glimpsing at Lucy seeing her laughing though not a bad thing.. but hearing Matt saying something out of the distance, I don't know what, makes me angry... I stood there menacingly and everything around me felt very weird like the atmosphere is turning dark and slight purple and everything around me is sooo-....


'Okay little Princess let's close the doors for your Mom's and Uncle Edd's even mine!! not letting no meanie robbers get inside stealing our things!!',  he locks my apartment door first..

Eddsworld: Different Beginning - Book Series 1Where stories live. Discover now