Chapter twenty - eight

Start from the beginning

Back inside Callie looked over when she heard a familiar yell. "My notebooks! My notebooks! My notebooks!" Gus cried.

Callie managed to grab ahold of his top, and drag him away from the fire. "Gus, no!" She yelled.

"It's not safe!" Tracy told him.

Dennis soon came over pulling Gus harshly out of Callie's arms. "Don't touch him!" She yelled.

"Just let him go!" Tracy shouted. "Gus, just calm down, it's all right!"

The four soon manages to get out the house, each of them covered in smoke. The moment Liam saw Callie he rushed forward holding her tightly. "Fucking hell Callie." He sniffed. "Why'd you do that?"

"Where's Harry?" She asked ignoring his question. He turned and pointed over to the boy who was stood in front of Mike. Callie let out a sigh of relief and walked over to him, closely followed by Liam.

"Callie!" Harry exclaimed jumping on her. Callie made sure to catch him. "Oh, you're okay!" She smiled.

"We thought you were up there." Tracy told him coming over as well.

"I was." He confessed.

"You're okay though?" Callie asked whilst checking him over.

"I'm fine." He said cuddling into her.

"That's good." She sighed placing a kiss on his head before handing him over to Tracy before sitting down on the floor.

Liam sat down next to her rubbing her back. "Are you alright?" She said nothing but nodded her head. "One of these days, you're going to kill my Callie."

Callie looked up at him and cupped his face. "I'm okay, I promise." He nodded his head before kissing her. The kiss was short, but it said more then words ever could.

"Don't do that again." He told her, their foreheads leaning against one another's. "Just, please don't do that again."

"I'll try my best, my love." She told him.

"I love you." He sighed. "I really love you."

"I love you." She smiled. "More then you'd ever know."

They turned around when they heard Tee letting out a yelp of pain, to see her on the floor.

"What happened?" Johnny asked.

Tee looked up at Dennis. "He pushed me."

Johnny walked over to her, helping her up. "You all right?"

"Yeah." She sighed.

"I didn't touch her!" Dennis said once he realized everyone was starting at him. "Silly girl slipped in the mud." The group still didn't look convinced. "It's been raining all night, what do you expect?"


Callie was with Liam and Frank watching them play pool. Liam didn't really want to leave her side, not after what had happened.

"Hey guys, how are you doing? Lizanne asked walking over.

"All right?" Frank said blushing.

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