06: A teeny break

Start from the beginning

As I turned around to leave, Jungkook grabbed my wrist. When I looked back I was met with that familiar look of worry.

"What?" I asked with a superficial smile.

"You're leaving already?"

"I am." I tried to keep smiling so I wouldn't seem rude.

"Are you okay? You haven't even been drinking?" He spoke with a frown on his face.

"I'm okay Jungkook. I'm just tired after today." I smiled and turned around to leave, not wanting to be there any longer.

It was strange when I felt the tears pressuring behind my eyes. There was nothing sad about this whole situation. Why did I feel like crying?

Exiting the restaurant, I heard a male voice calling for me and I stopped.

Running up to me, Jungkook stopped to catch his breath, the alcohol making it harder for him to breathe normally.

As he stood catching his breath, finding his balance, I stood quietly waiting for him to speak.

"You look beautiful tonight, you know that?" He suddenly spoke.

Something between a scoff and a chuckle left my mouth as I rolled my eyes, "Is that what you wanted to say?"

"Yeah." He spoke tilting his head, "Like reeeeally beautiful." He spoke with a rather blur and drunk tone in his voice.

I frowned at his sudden compliment.

Jungkook was the type of male friend to joke around and tell me I looked stupid, but he was also good to assure me when I needed it. But he usually didn't tell me things so bluntly as now, let alone when he was drunk. Usually, he didn't even pay me attention when we were drinking - or maybe I just didn't notice it before?


I snapped out of my stare, shaking my head, "Thank you Kook. Go back inside, text me when you get home right?" I asked for, protectingly.

"Seriously, why are you leaving?" He pouted his lower lip, making his lip ring twinkle in the streetlight, "I don't want you to leave already."

I chuckled lightheartedly, the tears pressuring more heavily now.

"I'm just tired from earlier. Text me if anything happens, okay?"

He nodded, still with a pout plastered on his face.

"I'll see you." I tilted my head, searching his face for a smile.

"You're cute." He said and stroked the top of my head.

I showed him a final smile before turning around and letting the tears fall as they broke through my act.

Closing the door to my apartment behind me, I sloppily put down my bag before turning the lights on.

I had been on the phone with my mom and dad while on the bus ride and walk back to my apartment. Seoul was pretty safe even at dark hours as the streets at night were pretty busy - but I still didn't feel completely safe, so I had called my parents.

Searching the living room, my eyes landed on the Rubik's cube on the couch table.

I made my way to the couch, plopping down on it and bringing out my phone to continue the YouTube tutorial I had tried following.

Something between a half and a full hour later, I jumped up from the couch in excitement as both the white and yellow sides were done. I almost squealed at the accomplishment - that's how excited I was.

I opened snapchat to send a snap to Jungkook about my progress and share my success, but then I remembered he was really drunk at the moment and probably wouldn't care about a dumb Rubik's cube I was fighting to complete.

I was just about to turn off my phone when a message from Jungkook tuned in.

Kook🫦💩: Irs np fun withoit you :(

I smiled at the message. He was obviously having a lot of fun, being too drunk to even spell properly. Glancing at the emojis I once again smiled, reminiscing the time he was certain to choose an emoji to accompany his name. I remembered his prude attitude for the rest of the day as I had put the an emoji of my choice next to it.

Me: I'm home, goodnight boozer😚

I texted him simply, knowing he was only checking up on me.

I put away my phone and glanced victoriously at the Rubik's cube on my couch table before heading to my bedroom and ending the eventful and exhausting day.

I put away my phone and glanced victoriously at the Rubik's cube on my couch table before heading to my bedroom and ending the eventful and exhausting day

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Short chapter, sorry. This is the shortest chapter in the story though.

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