Chapter 20- "How perverted can you be!?"

Start from the beginning

I blush a little.

"I may like you enough to stare at your glossy, black crop of hair after all, Cullen." I reply.

Thrown off guard, Nate's cheeks also turn a delicate shade of pink. Satisfied that I affect him as much as he affects me, I smile.

Nathan looks around, pushes a stray lock of hair behind my ear, and holds my face in his arms. He looks straight into my green eyes and his intense gaze is enough to keep me still.

Suddenly, I hear peals of laughter from behind me. I look over my shoulder and I see Emmett sprawled on the floor, clutching his stomach, pretending to wipe away a tear from his eyes.

"Emmett Martin, you had better insure your balls real quick because once I'm done with you, there ain't gonna be any left!" I scream, perfectly annoyed.

"God, Scarlett! How perverted can you be? I'm so not having it with you!" he says with a huge smirk on his face.

"YOU EVIL MORON! Just wait!" I bellow. Snatching a couple of cushions from the couch, I run behind him, smacking him on the head with them.

What Emmett Martin just ruined might as well have been my first real kiss.

Emmett ducks behind Allie, who is smirking at me with her hands on her hips. Adrian and Lauren are sending suggestive glances my way while Evan and Ricky are making whip-like sounds to embarrass Nate.

This was a house full of mad people. But then again, I had gladly consented to be one of them, hadn't I?

"So... Scarlett.. Should we get going? Unless you want to stay and finish what you started, of course...!" Adrian comments suggestively.

I glare at her and she just smirks back. Unable to control the slow blush spreading over my face anymore, I run out of the house. I cannot let Nathan know exactly how much he affects me.

For one, he would never stop teasing me about it. Secondly, it'll just show him how much he means to me. And much as I trust him, I think I'll take my time before admitting exactly who he is to me. And maybe, I will also take my time telling him about Oliver.

And I guess, if Nathan is really someone who gets me, who likes me a lot, he will understand why it took me time to tell him about Oliver. If he really does like me as much as he says he does, he will understand why I don't like speaking about the day that Oliver died.

If I'm really that important to Nathan, I bet he will really understand what it felt like to be me that day.

I hope he does. I cannot afford to lose him. I just cannot. I have always been mentally weak when it came to losing people. My self-esteem has plummeted ever since my parents left after Oliver's death. It crashed down more when Jonathan left. If Nathan were to leave me, I suppose I would probably have no more self-esteem left to lose.

I'm more invested in him than I let on.

As I'm just across the road from Adrian's house, I hear someone screaming my name from behind my shoulder. I don't bother to pay attention because it's just Lauren, teasing me about my shyness. She runs over and starts teasing me more, but instead of my usual shyness, I go all out and give her a big smirk.

Stunned, she stops. Well, if Lauren thought that she could get away with teasing me always, she'd better think again.

As we walk into Adrian's house, an idea hits me. I know exactly when to come clean to Nathan and all I need now is a little help from three of my closest friends.

If all goes as planned, within about three days, Nathan will know everything there is to know about me. Because when I realize that it's the 10th today, I also realize that he has given me enough time to open up.

He's told me a little about his past as well. We have spoken about his parents quite a bit; something he says he hasn't spoken about to anyone else except Lauren and me. And all he knows about me is the whole Jonathan incident. And the fact that he has a slightly crazy, weird, shy and funny idiot for a girlfriend.

Somehow, telling him about Oliver when we celebrate one month of being together really appeals to me. I've always loved to celebrate the significance of stuff. I'm really into celebration, although my idea of celebration isn't exactly conventional.

It's more like curling up on the couch with a Harry Potter book and some food. Granted, I do that every other day but that's only because every other date has something interesting to offer. For example, the 13th of every month is now my favorite day. The 21st of every month is now my second favorite. I had gotten glasses on the 21st of March a couple of years ago. And if you knew how the world looks to me without my glasses, you'd understand why I appreciate them so much!

And while it might seem a very nerdy and geeky thing to do, I actually love it. I find it therapeutic and relaxing. Plus, didn't everyone I cared about already know that I was one of the biggest nerds they'd ever know?

"Earth to Scarlett! What are you thinking about?! Gosh, we left Nathan ten minutes behind and yet all you can do is think of him!!" Adrian says.

I shake my head and apologize for being so dreamy. Then, I tell them about my plan to tell Nathan everything about Oliver. They are all in complete agreement and by the time we're home, I start to feel tons better about sharing.

It's the first time I'm actually looking forward to sharing my feelings. It's a good change in me and I have only these friends of mine to thank. Suddenly, I run towards them, envelop them in a bear hug and just stay there for a few minutes.

"Ughhh! Get off me now you dwerp!" Lauren complains.

Laughing, I move away and sit on a bean bag in Adrian's bedroom. It's time for the girls' night to begin and I sure will not be talking about Nathan anymore.

There's a lot of hotter guys like Brian out there to be gossiped about after all!


All I can say is that I'm extremely sorry for the very late update. I do not have any excuse for it.

I cannot say when I will update next. What I can say is that I will update for sure.

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