Chapter 11

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Ren Liao Chen's physical strength is strong, it is impossible to do it for a day.

But the madness of the night did not wait for the dawn to disappear into the exhaustion of Xu Linyao.

Liao Chen hugged her and took a hot bath, let the aunt at home blow her hair, change bedding, and then hugged her to sleep, Xu Linma did not wake up at all, and has been sleeping deeply.

Just before Liao Chen could sleep with his feet stretched, his phone rang, a strange number.

Picking up, it turned out to be Zheng Chuyao, and Liao Chen remembered that it was Chang Xingzhou's little daughter-in-law.

"Is it the second brother?" Is Lynn in your place? Is she okay? As soon as the phone was connected, Zheng Chuyao's nasal voice couldn't wait to ask.

He muttered faintly, looked at Xu Linma, who was sleeping deeply with black hair all over the pillow, smoked from the head of the bed, and bit the cigarette to go to the balcony.

"Here I am, sleep."

Zheng Chuyao choked and couldn't stop crying, and his words were vague, "Scared me to death, thank you second brother, don't you let her stay alone today?" It's me and Wen Wen who are not good, we should go back.

Liao Chen's voice was still so lazy, "What's wrong with her?"

Zheng Chuyi wiped her tears, a little hesitant, but remembering Su Wen's words, she did not look at Xu Linyao's situation.

Speaking of the second half of her mood is more stable, "Other times are fine, that is, birthday, like a change of person, we all suspect that she encountered something bad when she was a child's birthday, but she did not dare to ask, she is also very resistant to going to the doctor." 」

Liao Chen thought thoughtfully, leaning against the balcony beam, and faintly glared at the small ball that was slightly raised in the room.

Before she fell asleep, she was obviously tired like an exhausted fish, unable to breathe and struggling, but still begged him to continue to shave her slices with one knife and one knife.

It was as if the pain of the snail was used to ward off another kind of pain.

He's not a good guy, but there's still basic compassion for women.

Once a man has compassion for a woman, a lot of things become softer.

He was still interested in Xu Linyao's body, and now the idea of building a nest to raise this little girl's head was full again.

"I know, people are here, you don't have to worry." Liao Chen did not like to explain more to people, and hung up after saying it.

When Xu Linyan woke up, the curtains were closed, making it impossible to tell the time.

The boundless darkness made her shiver instantly, and her soft warmed hands and feet quickly froze.

"Liao Chen..." She felt like she was shouting, but she didn't know that she was just moving her lips.

Unable to hear her own voice, the world was even more absurd to her, tears stung her red eyes, and horror and despair clung to her heart.

But before she allowed herself to sink into the abyss, she first rolled into a hot embrace.

Liao Chen was still a little sleepy, and his voice was still low, but it wasn't as cold as when he was awake, "Hungry? Maybe

she was too tired at night, Xu Linzhen couldn't stop the shaking of her body for a while, she tightly grasped the hem of Liao Chen's pajamas, and still couldn't speak.

Liao Chen felt the gentleness in his arms and he was slightly awake.

He lowered his head and accurately grabbed Xu Linyao's lips, not like the stormy storm in the love affair, gave her a gentle kiss, the tip of his tongue with a sense of comfort, gently swept on her teeth, which made Xu Linma even more willing.

"Hungry or not?" Liao Chen pasted it to her lips, and the warmth of her voice made Xu Linyan squint like a cat.

She relaxed a little, stopped shaking her head, and her voice rustled, "What time is it?"

Liao Chen looked at his mobile phone, "It's only ten o'clock, will you sleep again?"

He had only slept for three hours, asked someone to check on Xu Linyao's past in the middle of the night, got the information, and then called Xu Yuan, the Liao family's personal psychiatrist.

Since he decided to raise a little girl, he didn't like that his things were flawed.

Xu Yuan, an expert on discriminating personality disorder, agrees with Zheng Chuyao's opinion and feels that Xu Linyao suffered a heavy blow on her birthday, leaving a psychological shadow.

It may be that this shadow is too unbearable, so Xu Linzhen has bred a second personality to escape from reality.

But according to Xu Linyao's behavior, her personality disorder is different from other patients.

Others develop personality separation, most of which are personality mutations, completely independent of the master personality, and are accompanied by an imbalance of self-perception.

Xu Linmao's second personality is more like a ghost upper body, without any independence, only a serious world-sick tendency, but the self-perception of the subject has not disappeared, and there is a sense of self-salvation.

"Maybe the lady herself is willing to mention the past and actively participate in the treatment to figure out what is going on." Xu Yuan was very interested in this particular case.

Liao Chen did not believe in the psychiatrist's judgment, "She is very resistant to medical treatment, you are an expert, do not know why?"
Xu Yuan had a guess, "I think Miss
Xu's shadow is probably with the hospital... Or the doctor is concerned, but it doesn't matter, I do hang, not necessarily in the hospital, to contact her as a doctor.

Hearing his deviant commotion, Liao Chen hissed, letting him roll and hang directly.

Liao Chen has been a person with a strong desire to control since he was a child, whether it is superficial coldness or private carelessness, he has never looked at this.

So he won't ask Xu Linma to leave his way of contact, he can come on his own.

For him, women only solved their physical needs, and he didn't care much about how many thighs the other party climbed, and stepped on his taboo to change it.

Xu Linzhen originally belonged to this category, but her sudden problem made her a little exception, and Liao Chen became a little interested.

He was most satisfied that the first stroke on the elf was drawn by him.

Until he got bored, she could only ink on this canvas, and he wouldn't allow other men to leave any marks on it.

Especially psychiatrists who like to manipulate people's hearts, don't even think about it.

Seeing that Xu Linyi did not say a word, Liao Chen raised her little head with her chin and opened her eyes.

Heck, bullied, beautiful apricot eyes like goldfish, not ugly, on her small and delicate face, it looks a little cute.

He kissed Xu Linyao's eyelids and forced her to close her eyes, "Well, sleep with me for a while, last night in order to serve you, I didn't have to work less."

Xu Linying obediently leaned into his arms, and waited for a long time to react to what he said, her face was steaming, and even her hands and feet burned with a warm temperature.

She snorted softly, even though her body was sore, and her throat was dry, she didn't say anything, just hugged him tightly and let herself sleep slowly.

It was already afternoon when I woke up again.
is a cloudy day, the curtains are only a layer of soft thin paper, and the interior
is still bright, but not dazzling.

Xu Linzhen was dazed and clutching the quilt with her hand, and there was no discomfort anywhere on her body, but the pain was also sharp, and she didn't want to speak, as if she was used to this kind of pain.

"Get up and wash up, and I'll accompany you to dinner." Liao Chen pushed some unnecessary work, and other work was also handled by the computer, just in the bedroom.

Since he knew that Xu Linyao's situation was very wrong, he would not even have this patience.

Xu Linzhen slowly turned her head to look at him, her voice almost unable to make a sound, "I am powerless.

Liao Chen frowned, took a big stride, and gently picked her up to wash in the bathroom.

Xu Linyi didn't even have the strength to stand firmly, her hands were shaking with her cup, and her eyes hurt so much that she could hardly open her eyes.

Liao Chen had never served anyone before, some rough hands and feet, Xu Linzhen hummed a few times uncomfortably, this time it was not like a little elf, like a little duck with its neck choked.

"Hey, let someone show you." Liao Chen tried to be gentle and said in Xu Lin's ear.

Xu Linyao's face instantly turned white, and she squeezed the mouthwash tightly, "Don't!! Liao

Chen swept his back teeth with the tip of his tongue, more like a duck.

There was no way, he could only coax the little duck who had begun to shiver again, "Okay, there is medicine at home, let the aunt serve you, right?"

Xu Linzhen was so nervous that she almost forgot to breathe, and Liao Chen broke her lips with her fingers before she gasped for breath.

She leaned on Liao Chen powerlessly, looking at him mournfully, "No one else, just you." The tip of Liao Chen's

heart suddenly seemed to be swept by someone with a feather, and he looked down at this little duck whose eyes were full of him and only trusted him, and inexplicably felt that he was more pleasant than the beautiful elves.

He chuckled softly and kissed her rewardingly on her lips after gargling, "Please."

Xu Linzhen looked up and blinked, "Please."

"Who am I?" Liao Chen did not find the little duck's voice ugly, and deliberately teased her.

This time, without thinking, Xu Linyao immediately replied, "Liao Chen, second brother."

Liao Chen raised an eyebrow, and his palm depicted a thin and gentle softness, "What else?"

Xu Linma was a little embarrassed, her mind was actually not moving at this moment, and then she opened her mouth with a soft pleading, "Second brother..."

"Call husband." Liao Chen pressed the person to his chest, and his burning palm was attached to his true pajamas, and he lowered his head to kiss her.

Xu Linzhen's ignorant eyes were hidden under the dense eyelashes, and Liao Chen's bad thoughts could not be seen.

But she could tell.

"Tell your husband, from the inside to the outside, your husband will serve you comfortably, eh?"

Xu Linyi felt that sad, blunt feeling a little farther away, replaced by throbbing and shyness, and she liked the feeling, wanting to grasp some redemption, completely without the desire to resist.

"Husband..." The little duck was soft, snorting, and shouting softly.

Liao Chen's eyes darkened, and the lips and tongue of the little duck were relieved, in the end, no animal had arrived home.

Because Xu Linyao was powerless, he directly carried the person downstairs, let the person find the medicine box, coated Xu Linyao, and fed her throat candy.

Auntie gave stewed swallow pear soup and made a table of dishes, all of which were quite light, only a few pieces of pink and tender intestines were pressed on the rice, with a fresh flavor, and they were not panicked.

Probably hungry, Xu Linyao did not eat too much.

The drama was all sung, and it must be sung in its entirety, and Liao Chen also prepared a cake and candles for her.

The cake came out, Liao Chen softened her heart, and held Xu Linyi on her lap for her to blow the candles.

It was also in the middle of last night to see the data Liao Chen learned that Xu Linma went to school early, the primary school also skipped the grade, she is only twenty-one this year, the younger he is nine years old.

Liao Chen used to like mature women, and his head went back to sleeping with such a small girl, Liao Chen was never a gentle person in bed, he preferred to be fierce.

Although Xu Linzhen said that she liked it, she estimated that it was not easy to bear.

Xu Linzhen did not notice Liao Chen's low-key gentleness, but being held by Liao Chen, she did feel much more awake and particularly happy.

Before blowing out the candle, she made a wish, she is not greedy, do not want a lot of love, as long as this man who can get her out of despair, love her on this birthday is enough.

Birthday means one year older, and I hope to stain the years and make the time romantic.

At that time, Xu Linma did not know that this wish was greedy enough.

Twenty-one-year-old Xu Linma does not need a lot of love, time is old, greed is breeding, but most of the feelings have faded, no one can promise the years, let alone help her get rid of despair.

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