Chapter 3

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As soon as Xu Linyi and Su Wen entered Zheng Chuyao's makeup room, they were surprised by the wedding dress beauty standing in front of the standing mirror.

"Oh my God, I really don't want to talk about the grooves." Su Wen approached Zheng Chuyao with a poetic exclamation like a dream, "Before, the light thought you were beautiful, you were not all the way with the flowers in small white skirts, I was wrong!"

Su Wenxin began to scream after sighing: "You look ten thousand times better than them in a white dress!!!"
Zheng Chuyao, who
will soon be a bride, shook her head triumphantly, "Your praise is really deserved, and the palace has accepted it!"

Su Wen poked Xu Linyao, "Baby, why don't you talk?" Stunned by this faceless beauty?

Xu Linzhen slowly rolled her eyes, "I also have a lot of small white skirts." "Suwen."..."

After the ball, the map cannon opened up.

Xu Linzhen did not wait for Su Wen to sell the baby again, she pulled Zheng Chuyao, who was pretending to be proud and stretched out her hand, and slowly turned around, and the surprise in her eyes slowly turned into joy.

Although she is cold by nature, she is also happy for her friends.

"Seeing you, I'm not afraid of the word Huang Fei anymore." Xu Linyao's voice was soft, "You are so beautiful that people want to get married on horseback."

Zheng Chuyi couldn't help it, grinned and laughed, and laughed at the wedding dress beauty who had just been quietly in her years.

Su Wen exaggerated bluntly, Xu Linma, like a little old lady, the praise was very gentle, but it could always scratch her itchy flesh.

"Oh, I also know that a beauty like me is a cheap dog." She triumphantly held her chin in a reserved tone.

Immediately cough a few times.

Su Wen and Xu Linzhen understood her, and the two of them put on the skirt and waited for the wedding dress beauty to go out to surprise the dog men.

But in just a few dozen minutes of hard work, Liao Chen and Chang Xingyun were no longer in the private room, leaving only a boring Chang Xingzhou, and when Zheng Chuyao came out, he became a dumb husky.

Xu Linyao's heart had a slight regret, as if she had been pricked, and soon disappeared without a trace.

She and Su Wen were both knowledgeable, and the two of them laughed and went to the makeup room by the bridesmaids to try on makeup.

The marriage of the family and the magnates is scheduled for the sixth day after the graduation ceremony.

Because she was going to hold a conference in Bali, Xu Linyi had just found a house to move into, and before she could clean up, she was pulled by Su Wen onto a plane to Bali.

Zheng Chuyao set the two of them as first-class class, because Zheng Chuyao said that everything was ready, and the two of them were very relieved about Zheng Chuyao, and the light car was simple and took off smoothly.

On the plane, Su Wen chatted with Xu Linyao, "Bao'er, are you planning to stay in Pucheng in the future?"

Xu Linzhen muttered faintly, looking at the snow-white clouds outside the window.

On the day of her graduation, her parents, whom she had not seen for a long time, came to Pucheng University.

At first, Xu Linma was a little surprised, because after her parents divorced, not only did the two of them rarely step on, but they rarely communicated with her, and their feelings for each other could almost be described as polite.

However, with her parents accompanying her to graduate, Xu Linma was still very happy.

So after the ceremony, when her parents invited her to dinner, she went back to change into a beautiful dress.

Before eating, Xu Mu Zhao Yun handed her a bank card, and Xu Maowen's father did the same.

The next words of the two made Xu Linyi completely lose her appetite.

"Lin Ma, you don't blame your mother for selling your grandmother's house, all the money from the sale is given to you, our mother and daughter are shallow, you are an adult, it is enough to make a phone call every New Year's holiday, your brother is more domineering, every time you go to my house, he will cry."

"Lin Ma, Dad also means this, the bank card is 2 million, plus the money your mother gave, enough for you to buy a two-bedroom down payment in Pucheng." In the future, your mother and I will come to Pucheng to see you when we have time, Jiangshi is a small place, and you have to remind people of the original things when you go back, and your Aunt Qin is not in good health.

Xu Linmei has always thought that she does not care about her relatives, her parents have not participated in her life for so many years, and she has come without resentment.

Hearing her parents' words, she would still be sad.

She accepted the bank card, which was the money to buy out the affection, she deserved it, and it would not be safe not to accept the former couple.

She doesn't remember much how she got back to the dormitory, how she packed up her gifts and went to the agency to rent a house alone.

No one noticed her abnormality.

Only in the dream did Xu Linyao have a little impulse to ask -

what did she do wrong?

It wasn't she who made Zhao Yunwan and Xu Maowen get pregnant in their freshman year.

Nor did she force the two to get married.

These two sons were divorced at first, because the family was so noisy that the whole river city was boiling, and they had nothing to do with her.

Why, why is their mistake borne by her?

After waking up from the dream, the pain and sadness that blocked my chest seemed to be completely wiped out by the midsummer sun.

She should have known that the day her grandmother left, she would already be an orphan with both parents.

"Baby, aren't you happy?" Su Wen touched Xu Linyao's head, "Is it what did your strange parents do?"

Xu Linzhen smiled and shook her head, "No, it is a little tired to move these two days, and I have not slept well after changing the environment, and I am sleepy."

Su Wen looked at Xu Linyan carefully, and it was true that there was a little blood in her clear spring-like eyes, because Xu Linyan was too white to clearly see the dark circles under her apricot eyes.

Su Wen patted his chest, "Then you close the window, lie down and sleep, and wait until you wake up, sister take you hi!" Hi tired you sleep solidly.

Xu Linyi was amused by Su Wen's trembling, "Good. That

being said, in fact, the wedding day was a bit of a hurry, and when they arrived in Bali, they were pulled to rehearse before they could even see the scenery of the Liao family's luxury hotel.

After the rehearsal was Zheng Chuyao's single party, Su Wen really played a lot of fun, Xu Linyao could not go.

She is from the French Department of Pucheng University, the second is German, taught herself Portuguese, and in general, she learned the most widely used foreign languages.

Recommended by the professor in her senior year, Xu Linyao interned at a publishing house that cooperated with Gao Fan College, and this time she came to attend Zheng Chuyao's wedding on leave.

Before going to the single party, she received a call from the editor-in-chief that a novel published by a French writer had been published and would have to be translated as soon as possible.

When Zheng Chuyao and Su Wen came back drunk the next morning and fell asleep, Xu Linyi also stayed up all night, and was still finishing until the evening.

When the inspection was sent to the editor-in-chief, she did not sleep long, and was pulled up by Su Wen and Zheng ChuyaoCome.

Then the two of them turned the goods upside down and Xu Linyao, who had exhausted her blood bars, withered for one night, and got up at three o'clock the next morning to prepare for the wedding at noon.

Not to mention sleeping well, Xu Linzhen felt that she had to eat a little less, and she estimated that she could all get past.

"Your editor-in-chief is also too unhuman, right?" Su Wen saw that Xu Linyi had been keeping the small cake in her hand, eating it slowly like a small hamster, and couldn't help but hug her unevenly, "So a big publishing house, no one else?" You've just turned right, and others can't translate it?

Xu Linma explained in a low voice, "That novel was translated by me, and the welfare book must also come to me.

Speaking of it, Xu Linma also wanted to complain a little, "The other side is the heir of an ancient family in France, and it is said that there is also a knighthood, which may not be enough, and it is necessary to be picky with love." The

other party slightly understands Chinese, giving a group of big guys in the publishing house who can translate French to those who don't want it, saying that people don't understand art and beauty, and giving several big guys almost vomiting blood.

Xu Linma's body is a bit influenced by her grandmother's elegance, simply turning the other party's novel into the hazy beauty of pain literature, and even walking luck is accepted by the other party.

After several big men of the publishing house read the translated novel, they were a little difficult to say, but no one was jealous of Xu Linyao's ability.

After all, they are all big guys, and no one will compare with the brains that force the knights to do too much.

Xu Linma read a few sentences to Su Wen, and the big guy's beautiful and accurate translation and her brainless translation both read a few sentences, and Su Wen almost didn't laugh under the couch.

Zheng Chuyao, who was putting on makeup, laughed and trembled when he heard this, "You are not allowed to say it again, and then say that I am going to draw my eyeliner on the face."

Several people talked and laughed for a while, and the previous day's sluggishness soon disappeared.

After all, they are all young and beautiful girls, and they can still survive with the years.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful, Zheng Chuyao cried with tears and rain, and Chang Xingzhou choked up and spoke like a duck egg.

When the two danced, they almost got up on the dance floor because they taunted each other.

Of course, considering that it was a new marriage, the first marriage, both of them were still fresh, friendly and affectionately discussed, I felt that the wedding dress play could not be missed.

So the two of them changed the scene, ran to the cloakroom, and changed their style of play - goblin fighting.

At the party after the wedding, Su Wen stepped on a small milk dog who had once made an appointment, presumably stimulated by this wedding, and grabbed the other party's tie and did not know it.

Xu Linma was a little dazed, there were not many people she knew on the spot, at most, it was a nod, and she was not willing to talk in any pile.

Wearing high heels for most of the day is really tired, and staying up all night, coupled with the fatigue of not sleeping well, let Xu Linyao's brain turn a little slowly.

The wedding was in the open space on the ninth floor, and she simply carried high heels and slowly hid in the small bar on the ninth floor, asking the bar for a cocktail drink, and drinking it alone.

She didn't drink very well, but it was easy to sleep after drinking some wine, and she planned to drink some wine and go back to the room to rest.

While drinking wine, she turned her head and saw Liao Chen and their people sitting in the deepest booth of the bar, swallowing clouds and playing bridge cards.

In fact, at the wedding, she saw Liao Chen, who was sitting in the first row with Chang Xingzhou's parents.

Maybe she drank wine, or maybe she was too tired, Xu Linma was lying on the bar platform lazily and didn't want to move, simply moved her posture, pillowed her arm to watch them play cards.

"Oh, second brother, the last time I stared at you, that little flower bone chased after you again." Yin Kaile's eyes were sharp, he first saw Xu Linyao, and he smiled and poked Liao Chen.

"Don't say, the eighteenth year of the female college has changed, and it feels a lot better than last year."

Liao Chen leaned expressionlessly on the couch, his long legs were folded, his casual black shirt sleeves were rolled up, and his body was cold with strands.

The green tendons in his hands were full of strength and wildness, contradictory and charming, causing many beautiful people present to look at him frequently.

Hearing Yin Kaile's words, he casually raised his eyelashes, and Xu Linyao, who was wearing a long pink flowing dress, came into the curtain.

She seemed to be tired, her small face resting on the same white crystal arms, quiet and quiet, like a spirit who had just woken up from a deep sleep.

Liao Chen squinted at the long and sharp Dan Feng eyes, bit the corner of his lip and slightly ticked it, and threw the bridge card.

"You guys play."

Yin Kaile said, "Second brother, aren't you not interested in flower bones?" "Don't

you always say that it is most difficult to live up to the grace of beauty?" Liao Chen said carelessly, and his low voice was somewhat cold, which sounded like a model that did not go away.

Leaving a group of werewolves behind him screaming, Liao Chen strode over to Xu Linyi and re-lit a cigarette.

He is not a person who likes to gossip, and he does not ask for women, only looks at the eyes.

Casually leaning against the bar, Liao Chen stared lightly at Xu Linyao, who was still tilting his head to look at him, and the smoke made his cold tone stain with indispensable ambiguity--

"Looking at me, or do you want to go to me?"

Xu Linyi felt that she might have drunk a little too much, or the cocktail was a little high, and her brain was a little dizzy, and she slowed down for half a beat before blinking and asking, "Is there anything different?"

Liao Chen's thin lips were slightly ticked, and his cold face was a little more playful, he lowered his head and reached out to hook Xu Linyao's thin waist, "Shangshang said?

Xu Linyao's slightly cool skin was burned by his still hot skin, because she could smell Liao Chen's body because she was close.

There is no pine cedar that those cold men should have in the novel, nor is it a light wood incense, and it cannot lead people to experience the pure and flawless snowfield.

He seemed to carry a Buddhist incense, tainted with the worldly aromas of wine and tobacco, and the entanglement brought the taste of □□, different from the cold and aggressive temperament of his whole person, and different from his fiery palms.

There is a kind of warmth of dust settled, like the first firewood lit in the fireplace in early winter, which makes people fascinated and can't stop trying to get closer.

Xu Linma felt the familiar and addictive slight pain, and her heart beat so fast that she couldn't say anything.

She slowly raised her hand, raised her chin and looked at him misty, snow white fingers tugging at his black shirt, "Upstairs, is it do I?"

Her sweet whisper made Liao Chen's eyes dim instantly, and the bottom of her deep eyes seemed to ignite a flame, and every inch burned Xu Linyao's white and pure baby.

He gently picked up the floppy Xu Linyao, and his voice was dark, "You can do whatever you want." "

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