Kokonoi Hajimme as boyfriend/husband

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Kokonoi Hajimme as your boyfriend/husband, sugar daddy vibes.

⚠- money money money, fluff, trauma.


- kokonoi loves spoiling you with his money, you would refuse to accept him giving you his money recklessly but he has his ways to spoil you completely, he would slip his black card in your bag when you're not looking or he would hide your wallet as a way to always use his money for you.

- koko loves kissing your hands, he would hold your hands elegantly and kiss the back of them and place them on his chest or cheek and smile at you with his tongue out.

- koko buys you unnecessary objects, clothes or anything that is definitely not necessary, he will buy you million dresses that you won't even wear, he'll buy anything that he finds will look good on you.

- koko loves cuddling with you at night when he comes home tired working all day, infact koko works hard and tries to finish his work fast to meet you at home.

- koko might be a little tsundere at times, he finds it hard to confess his feelings for you in words so he confesses his feelings for you in actions, if buying you gifts and spoiling wasn't enough of an action he'll buy you the entire bakery you like cakes from, he'll buy restaurants you like to eat at and one time he was bout to buy an entire island because you just wanted to visit there.

- koko cares for you alot, he takes care of your each and every responsibility, as much as he spoils you he also controls you, he controls your diet and takes you each month for a medical checkup or his soul will not find peace.

- if koko finds out you are sick he would buy an entire drug store and take you to hospital and get you treated by one of the best doctors even if it is a minor cold or fever, he doesn't want you to be sick or in any kind of danger.

- koko cooks for you whenever you don't wanna eat outside, he would hire chefs at his mansion to cook for you but will never let you cook or even enter the goddamn kitchen - once you went to the kitchen to make yourself some sandwiches and koko came into the kitchen and found you there as he saw you he immediately picked you up and rushed you outside the kitchen asking if you were ok , you could see the tears forming in eyes as he warns you again not to ever enter the kitchen, it's his trauma.

- koko always makes sure you are comfortable, he would always ask you and make sure you are comfortable whenever you're out in public with koko, he loves taking you out to meet his friends or at parties because he likes showing off his biggest treasure to everyone, you make him feel richest.

- koko's kisses are always gentle and deep, he loves hugging you or having you in his arms as he sits or sleeps, he might make you sit in his lap at times but mostly he doesn't because he is worried you might be uncomfortable with that but when you are not he puts you in his lap and would not let you get down or move.

- he considers you before himself in all situations and he doesn't let you drive either, he has appointed you with various bodyguards and drivers for whenever you wanna go out and he cannot accompany you.


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