Chapter 5: Birds of a feather

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Raven rolled her eyes, "What does that old fool want?" Raven asked "It's no use trying to convince me to come back to him, I-"

"It's not about you, Rae" Qrow said "It's about Nick's kid,"

Raven was surprised that Ozpin knew he was here, because now that he knew where Jaune was, he also knew where Raven was, which spelled trouble for her in a lot of ways. "How does Ozpin know I have Nicholas's son?" Raven asked

Qrow chuckled, "His scroll," Qrow told her, "All Beacon students were given scrolls with a tracking feature thanks to Glynda, so when Oz wanted to know where the kid was, he saw the kid's scroll was staying in this area for a month, so he sent me to check in and make sure the kid is safe, and when I came here, boy was I surprised to see that he's here, with you,"

Raven slightly scowled at her twin brother. He would likely tell Ozpin all about this, and no doubt keep surveillance on her if she continued to have Jaune here in camp, which was bad for her, because if that old fool could find her, then so could she.

"Yes, I've been training him, trying to make sure he could actually survive this oh-so-cruel world of the Huntsmen's life," Raven said "Something my daughter and Summer's spawn no little about,"

Qrow glared at his sister.

"Oh don't give me that look, you know as well as I do, that Yang and Summer's daughter are not at all ready for what this job truly entails," Raven said, "I'm even surprised that you were willing to train Summer's child, after all, if I recall, Summer wanted her daughter to have nothing-"

"That's what she wanted, not what Ruby wanted," Qrow said, "Ruby can make her own choices,"

Raven smiled, she knew she got under her brother's skin, "Of course, she can," Raven said with a smile, "But what would Summer say if she saw that you threw her daughter into the fray?"

Qrow glared at her and was about to say something, but decided to hold off on whatever insult he was going to say, and he sighed, "I didn't come here to fight, I came here to check on the kid and to warn you,"

Raven's eyebrow perked up with inquiry, "A warning? About what?"

"Salem's been quiet, too quiet," Qrow said, "Oz knows she's up to something, but we don't know what, but whatever it is, it's not good,"

"Of course, it's not good, but I doubt Ozpin will be able to stop her plans," Raven said, "After all, he hasn't been successful so far, and it'll be the same this time too,"

Qrow groaned, "Maybe not if we had more help if you-"

"I am not going back there, Qrow," Raven said, cutting him off and glaring at him.

Qrow glared back, "Why not? Huh? All your doing is hiding away-"

Raven slammed her hand down on her table, "I am not hiding!" Raven said

"Really?" Qrow asked "Because it looks that way to me,"

Raven was about to say something, however, she couldn't due to the flap of the tent opening and they both turned to see who it was that entered. It was Jaune, he stood at the tent's entrance and looked at Raven, with a blank expression, but then he saw Qrow, and looked a little surprised.

Qrow smiled when he looked at Jaune, "Well, I'll be damned," Qrow said, "You do look just like your father," Qrow said

Jaune looked at him with a raised brow, "Who are you?" Jaune asked

Qrow stood up and looked at Jaune, with that smile on his face, "Name's Qrow's kid," Qrow introduced himself, "John, right?"

"It's Jaune," Jaune told Qrow.

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