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The sands of Tatooine were high and mighty that night. Shmi Skywalker was just preparing dinner for her and her 3-year-old son, Anakin Skywalker. Suddenly, she hears a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"It's the Jedi." said a man beyond the door.

Shmi's face almost sounded disbelieving. But she opens the door anyway. She then finds two cloaked figures. She lets them in.

"So, what's going on?" asked Shmi.

"We sensed a presence here." said one of the Jedi, "It appears to be your child."

The second Jedi pointed at the baby.

"This baby is special." said the second Jedi, "Very special."

"We request for him to be trained." said the first one, "To become a Jedi."

Shmi felt very sad. She wouldn't want to part from her child. But she's a slave, and soon, he will be too. The Jedi could train him. He could help others, probably even end slavery here on Tatooine. She picked up the baby and walked to the two Jedi and handed her only son.

"Then you have my approval." she said, "Please...give Anakin Skywalker a life of which he deserves."

"We will, ma'am." said the first Jedi, then looked to the second one, "Let's go, sir."

The two Jedi then left, disappearing into the sands of the storm outside. Shmi felt like crying, but she knew that this was the right thing to do. Little did she know that Anakin Skywalker will become the greatest of all Jedi in history.


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Sad prologue, but necessary.

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