chapter twenty five

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a/n: not edited or beta'd we die like canon eddie (i'm sorry)

Willow would never admit to Eddie, but his room was comfortable. She had figured it had potential when she had first visited the day they had ditched, but that potential had bloomed into a full-blown comfort that Willow never wanted to leave now that he had cleaned up. The sheets had been changed, most of the beer cans had been cleared away, and any dirty laundry had clearly either been washed or shoved under his bed. Either way, it was out of Willow's sight and that worked for her.

"Eddie, we really need to start on the project."

It was Sunday, and since the library was no longer an option, the two of them agreed to study at Eddie's trailer since his uncle was working. Willow should have known better before agreeing, because the last thirty minutes has been her curled up on his bed, fighting off a nap, while he sat in a chair across the room plucking on his guitar mindlessly. The space was simply too comfortable and too filled with distractions.

"Okay," he responds, not looking up from his frets. He doesn't have the electric guitar plugged into an amp, and Willow is only able to hear the notes he's playing very faintly.

"Okay, that means you need to put down the guitar and focus," she says, still not moving to sit up in his bed.

"Says you," he immediately scoffs, finally looking up at her and motioning at her with one hand, "You're the one taking a cat nap in my bed right now."

When they had first walked in, Eddie had been quick to remind Willow of the last time she was here.

"Now, before we go in here, I have to warn you - la casa de Eddie has undergone some changes," he dramatically sighed.


"Changes. We take complaints very seriously in this household."

Willow had quirked an eyebrow, about to question what he meant, but he left her no time to before he swung open his bedroom door. Immediately, she knew - he'd cleaned.

She had given several hard glance-overs to the bed before she finally flopped herself down, but once she did, she never wanted to get back up. Eddie's mattress was worn, the comforter he had neatly tucked over it smelling mostly of his cologne and laundry detergent. She figures he had changed his sheets very recently considering they didn't smell of the particularly stubborn and prominent Eddie scents: cigarettes and weed.

"I can't help that it's comfortable," she huffs, forcing herself to sit up in defiance of her body and glare at Eddie, "Besides, didn't you say there was a three date minimum to see your room again? You have not taken me on three dates."

They were getting off topic again. Willow should know better, considering they only had a few weeks left to complete their project, but she can't help herself.

"I did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Eddie stands and returns his precious guitar back to its wall mount as Willow crosses her arms, "Name the three times you took me on a date."

"Okay, fine. Hellfire-"

"That does not count."


"Okay..." she trails off, agreeing on that one, "That's one."

"The movie night last night counts."

"Oh, it so does not."

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