Chapter 17: Beloved Dream.

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The after math XD is upset.

I wrote it then deleted it and added a bit stuff. Hopefully, by next chapter more fun stuff will happen without it being super informative. also I'm not exactly sure but T.W suggested suicide and missing limbs


Chapter Text:

XD was in a state of panic Dream the player he was supposed to look after was ignoring his calls and for some reason the whole game was freaking out and kicked him out the only thing XD managed to do was teleport dream to a safer chunk before the chunk he was in self imploded.

Why did XD care though I mean there were always freak "accidents" in this game you'd be surprised how often it was to lose a player or well bits of them.

It pains him to actually be protective over this person. Attachments are weaknesses and XD was in no place to possibly love Dream. The game forbids it.

However... what the game doesn't know can't hurt them.

His Dream doesn't trust him though that'll be a problem. A problem for later though.

I need to deal with this glitch first.

Dream POV:

Dream was teleported to the school gates.

What happened? Dream thought. I was able to see someone's face. How does that work? I thought everyone here was just game characters... are more people stuck here. Maybe I'm not alone.


Dream's phone pinged sending him a message.

It was XD he wanted to talk.

Dream wanted to talk too.

Dream pulled open the options and went to shop.

Entering he was met with the same tavern that he was used to.



"Why didn't you pick up my call?"

"I don't know XD."

"Dream, don't lie to me. Ok? Please don't do that." XD pleaded

"I, Thought you couldn't be...trusted. Thought you would stop me."

"Oh, That makes sense." XD spoke. Yet he felt as if he was stabbed in the back by Dream's words.

After a few moments had passed with nothing to be said Dream spoke up.

"XD I di-"

"What did you think I would stop you from?"

"I wanted to complete my objective. I went to the store to do that."

"Dream, why would you think that would work? I alrea-" XD stopped what he was going to say he did tell Dream that it wouldn't work like that I mean the whole game glitched out. Dream could have been killed! Or worse he could have left XD to deal with these feelings by himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you XD. You've been nothing but kind, I just acted on my own feelings without going through with you first. Besides, you were telling the truth. The objective, it didn't accept the item."

"I get it usually around this time players realize the gravity of the situation. I mean most of them break down and cry when I tell them or even before. Your realization was a long time coming. I'm happy you didn't act like some of the players that found out... They're game ended quite quickly after that. I guess that's why I didn't tell you."

"Tell me tell you what?"

"Dream, your life outside the game..."

Dream looked towards XD.

How could XD ruin his hope by telling him his life was gone. XD didn't want him to hurt or suffer. What would be so bad about not being able to go back to his family? XD didn't have a family or maybe he did? Can't remember besides it doesn't matter, all he needs is Dream now. So, If he were to tell him he could go back? Then XD would find a way. If he couldn't then... Dream would learn to forget his life since by then all he'll need is XD and only XD. If he hates him for this, all will be forgiven to time right? Cause his dream thinks he's the only other real person here and he'll make sure it stays like that.

"...Can be restored. All you have to do is listen to the game, follow the objectives and then you can go home. Simple right?"

There were holes in his explanation, not everything was there. I mean what was the point of going through these things?

"Oh that makes sense it is a game right? Dream laughed at this."

Thank god that his love wasn't very smart. With earliers incident with trust he should now be under XD's complete control. Holding onto XD words and trusting him no matter what he says... Well no, XD should still be a bit careful at least until he can have full control of Dream and the game ending. He'll work on that. Speaking of, how did Dream manage to go outside the gates, messing up the code completely. It was in scrambles having it so that I could teleport him back to the school gates only if he was outside...

"But what happened was that everything was glitched out and I think I could see behind the blur on someone's face."

"You could do what?"

"I could see behind someone's blurred face. If I remember correctly they had brown hair and eyes. With a bracelet and a purple hoodie. They could still be outside the store XD. we need to get them."

"Yes your right, they could be what caused the glitch."

XD was theorizing on fixing this bug. As the dream whispered " it doesn't mean anything?"

"Mean anything? What else would this lead to?"

"I'm not sure," Dream replied. Still holding on to the hope of someone else being here with him. Maybe he would look for them.

Dream watched silently as XD was moving around the tavern fixing up code.



"Do you mind if I could stay here for the night? I don't wanna be alone."

"Of course, you can Dream" XD replied

Internally XD was screaming his heart out. Oh,how cute of him. Yes, he should be like this from now on, relying on XD to protect him. Waking up to see Dream snuggled up beside him.

After setting out a place for Dream and XD to sleep XD dimmed the lights of the tavern. Dream snuggled up beside him.

"Goodnight XD" Dream whispered

"Goodnight" Beloved he almost added. Soon he will be able to but for now. This is enough.

Thanks for reading!

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