Chapter 14: Missing Home

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Dream is missing home. He might as well just adopt the kids.

Credit goes to biggerbiddies for original plot.


Chapter Text:

“Operation what?”

The trio glanced at each other. Before Tubbo spoke “We’re trying to get breadsticks from this shop, but we haven’t exactly been paying so we’re kinda banned.”

“But, they're technically free anyways, so it’s not our fault!” Tommy added

“Well, they also expect us to order other food too…” Ranboo butt in

“But, why breadsticks?”

“Well, we need them to bribe a friend of ours”

“A friend?”

“Not a Friend,  more like a person who does jobs for you if you give them payment”

“He likes the term mercenary” Ranboo spoke.

“Alright, but what’s the job?”

“For me I need some more parts for my project,Tommy needs to improve his grades and Ranboo needs some post it notes.” Tubbo answered.

“I see…”

“The problem is that we’re banned, and we really need to get the snacks by Monday. If it’s not too much of a problem can you help us?” Tubbo asked

Wow, This really reminds me of Drista, She would always get in trouble like this…

“I’ll help, what do I need to do?”

Tubbo explained the situation and what Dream had to do. It was a simple in and out type of deal.

Dream walked into the restaurant. Waiting for a waiter to sit him down at one of the tables.

“Please come this way sir.”

Dream took a seat at the table near the entrance of the restaurant. Waiting for the menu and most importantly the breadsticks.

Dream sat there for a little while, glancing around the room. He noticed that in a booth near him there was a family of four. A mother, Father, older brother, and younger sister. It reminded him of his own family. It would probably be a day like this where they would go out and eat at a restaurant just like this one.

Yet, I’m sitting here alone. The only real person.

Because the family's faces were blurred. Which meant they were just NPCS and part of the game. I guess up until this point I hadn’t really thought of it so far everyone around me, my “Friends” had felt so real I hadn’t exactly given it a moment to sink. If I think about it they're not real either they just look like it, I wonder why they're so important that the game lets me see them. Maybe a trick?

I wonder why I'm thinking about this so much today… I guess because I had nothing to distract me with. It’s been a week, and I don’t think I’m getting out of here.

“Excuse me sir?”


“I would just like to get your order?”

“Oh- what?”

Dream looked at the table and the breadsticks were there as well as the menu.

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