Chapter 4

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Another update guysssssssss...

Not edited!!!

A lil recap
Basically, Binta has still not come to terms with the fact that they're marrying her daughter off.
(I'm not good at giving recaps, I know)

By the way, there's an important author's note I'd like y'all to read at the end of this chapter and I'd like to know what y'all think. Thank you.

"You're getting me angry Bint..."

"Okay I knew about it binta and I support my mum's decision. Furthermore, we are both aware that she is of marriageable age. Why should we wait? when she's no longer a baby and has the ability to bear children? She will grow up in her husband's home. Don't you want to be a grandma? Would you rather she be raped and have an unwanted child, or marry a man who is willing and ready to take care of her?" Umar inquired.

"Umar, why are you doing this? Why don't you like Fatimah? Why would you think she'll get raped? Please tell me!!! You knew about it and didn't think it was appropriate to inform me, ahhh you are wicked!" Binta responded.

"What do you expect from me, ehn? Please don't let me say or do anything that I'll come to regret." He got to his feet and stormed off to their room.

Binta clutched her chest, refusing to give up without a fight.

"Umar, no o I won't leave you until we finish talking," she sobbed.

"For God's sake, honey, you know how hard we struggled for the first three years of our marriage because we were so young. How do you think she'll fare against, ehn Umar? She's going to be the third wife, the third wife!!! Why are you so eager to get rid of her? Habeeb has yet to marry, and Abdul-razaq has only recently married.Why are you so eager to send her away? Please, Umar, listen to me; we cannot allow this. We would later come to regret this choice. Why are you rushing my poor girl? She isn't prepared. Please don't let this happen. Umar, please" Kneeling in front of him, she said.

Binta was in fact saddened about everything happening. Her husband suddenly hates her guts, they are about to marry her precious daughter off, what's not to be sad about?

Binta would be lying if she said she didn't know why her husband disliked Fatima, despite the fact that the girl did nothing wrong.

"You finished, abii? What matters to me is that all of the necessary tasks are completed, and that the man fulfills his obligations, I'm good with her marrying him" He replied and finally went out of the house.

*The next day*
Umar never went back home the previous night. He stormed out of the house and went wherever he pleased.

Despite the way he treated his wife the night before, she was worried about him. She loved him so much that it hurt her to see him not return home.

"Mama, salam alaikum. Are you all right?" Fatima inquired, hugging her head.
"My darling, wa alaikum salaam, I'm fine, thank you. How are you doing?" She inquired giving a fake smile.

Fatima was well aware that her mother was not in good health. Her eyes were puffy, and her natural 4c hair was out of place; she had also heard her parents arguing the night before, and she had not prepared breakfast as she usually did.

"I'm fine, Mama," she said giving her one of her fake smiles.

After greeting their mother, Fatima and jameelah went to school, and Habeeb went for his basketball practice.

*At school*

*Break time*
Fatimah was worried during her break time because she hadn't heard anything about Husna, so she went over to Kamal's class.

"Hey, Kamal," she said.

"Oh hi Fatimah, how are you?" he inquired.

"I'm fine, thank you," she replied.
"how is husna doing? I haven't heard from her since she married."

"She's fine," he said, a tight smile on his face.
"She is now residing in Kano. I don't get to see her as much, and it hurts to know she's unhappy, but what can I do? "He expressed his displeasure by frowning.

"Oh wow," she said.

Kamal's father and Fatimah's father were both egotistical men, according to Fatimah. They were firm believers in male dominance or supremacy, and they treated their wives as trash. Although Fatimah was not surprised because both men were best friends and were bound to mimic each other's personalities.

She was enraged that they were willing to sell their female children for marriage in the name of the heavy bride price, despite the fact that they were not poor.

She was relieved that no matter how much her father despised her, he would never marry her off.

"Thank you very much, Kamal. Please extend my greetings to her whenever you have the opportunity "she stated.

Whilst at home*

Binta was unable to go to her shop because she was concerned about Umar and his sudden departure from the house; she was also concerned about her daughter's future.

It was beginning to dawn on her that she might lose the fight and that her daughter would be married off soon.

She was willing to make a concession if they would allow Fatimah to be at least eighteen before forcing her into marriage.

She believed that by the age of eighteen, Fatimah would understand the fundamentals of marriage and be able to survive on her own.

The main door to the house suddenly opened, startling Binta and breaking her train of thought. Even after everything that had happened, Binta was relieved to see Umar back home in good health.

"Salam alaikum, dear," she said.
"I'm sorry about last night, umar, but could we please talk?" She tried to smile.

He only hummed in response before entering their room.

Binta knew Umar would still be heady, so she made him a nice meal of eba and vegetable soup to appease him and see if he would relax and give her a listening ear.

Binta decided that after Umar had finished his meal, she should talk to him before the children arrived home.

"Please, Umar, pay attention to what I'm saying. Try to understand ko so you don't get angry "She stated.

In response, he glared at her.

"I think we should wait until Fatimah is eighteen before we talk about letting her marry," she paused.

"It's ridiculous to marry her off so young. We're not sure how she'll react, but we both know she won't be happy "She paused again, trying to pick up on his mood. He hadn't said anything since he walked in.

"It's a stupid part of our culture that needs to go," she said.

Author's note.

Firstly Ehn, I'm so sorry for not updating and I have no excuse as to why I haven't updated in so long.

Secondly, y'all should please vote, comment and share cause it serves as an encouragement and motivates me to update often.

So please click on the little star and comment, tell a friend to tell a friend to read my book. Thanks as you do.

The most important thing!!!

I have been working on a book and I'd like to publish it here on wattpad and I'm sure you're like "this one that hasn't finished writing one book wants to write two books" but I promise that I'd try to update more often shaa.

I'd drop the description of the story in another chapter and y'all let me know what you think.

Again, please vote, comment and share.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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