Chapter 1: Emily

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"Shit, Emily," I cursed myself as I stood in front of a massive building on the University of Tennessee campus. A building I was pretty sure was not Doughtery Hall which is where I was supposed to have my 'Early Childhood Psychology' class in fifteen minutes. Other students bustled past me in a hurry to get to their classes and I stood there like an idiot looking at the map the Registrar office had provided. I turned it upside down, trying to see if that made it any easier to read.

It did not.

I shielded my eyes from the sun as I looked around, trying to figure out which way I should go, thankful I opted to wear my black Converse instead of the strappy sandals today.

I had a lot of expectations for my first day at the University of Tennessee, but getting lost wasn't one of them. It's not like I'm some fresh out of high school kid. I had gotten my associates degree at Nashville State Community College, where everything had been compact and encompassed in a small area. UT on the other hand, had buildings sprawled across their vast grounds. I was suddenly regretting not letting my new roommate and high school friend, Mia, show me around over the weekend.

I sighed and brushed a strand of my straight brown hair back behind my ear. I looked up again at the looming building in front of me. Finally I spotted a sign that read 'Ayers Hall.' So if this was Ayers Hall then Dougherty Hall should be... I consulted the map again then looked up. To the right.

"Fuck," I stomped my foot in frustration, blowing out an exasperated breath.

"Need some help?" a voice came from behind me.

When I turned I was staring into eyes that were as blue as the sky on a cloudless day. His hair was a deep auburn that resembled fire as the sunlight danced across his face. He squinted his eyes against the bright sun and smiled at me. I could see the muscles on his arms peeking out from under his tight t-shirt, leaving me with no doubts he also had a six pack hiding under that shirt too.

I looked over my shoulder to see if he was talking to someone else, sure he couldn't be talking to me. The only thing I saw were other students trudging up and down the hill with their backpacks. When I looked back at him, his eyes were locked on me.

It took me a moment to form words as I took him in. Once I was able to roll my tongue back in my mouth, I looked sheepishly back down at the map I held in my hands.

"Oh, um... I...." I stammered like an idiot as my eyes darted back up to meet him. Holy shit, he is hot. "Yes, actually, I am looking for Doughtery Hall," I managed to say. He smiled at me again and I did my best to not melt on the spot. Granted the August day was hot enough, but the look he was giving me made it scorching.

"Well, you are in luck," he winked, causing a kaleidoscope of butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Those gorgeous blue eyes shining brighter than the sun. "I'm heading that way. I would be more than happy to escort you." He motioned his head and he started walking towards the left. I took a deep breath and rushed to catch up to him.

"Thanks." I gave him my best smile, trying not to show how nervous I was.

"Of course." He adjusted his backpack as we headed around the building I had been staring at in confusion just minutes earlier. "So, are you an engineering major?" He asked.

I was staring at him. I knew I was. I couldn't help it. His question surprised me, bringing me back to reality.

"What? No. Why?" I knew I must sound like a moron. He laughed. And god was his laugh intoxicating. It was deep and rich, like the sound of a bass drum, his eyes scrunching in the corners. It made me want to make him laugh again.

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