the beginning

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"im sorry but you have to move schools, we dont have the budget to support your private school anymore."

"oh...that's ok mom i didn't really like that school anyway", i replied.

it wasnt a lie, i mean i dont hate that school its just...too preppy and proper; not really my vibe. i feel like i dont have real friends there. they never text me after school or ask me to hang out so im not missing much. itll probably be nice to meet new people and make new friends. maybe even get a boyfriend.


"okay y/n how are you feeling? I'm sorry you had to switch schools in the middle of junior year" mom said fixing the silver hair clip in my hair.

"its okay mom, really. I'm actually kinda excited. its like a clean slate ya know?" i grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and put it in the pocket on the side of my backpack.

"alright love. you need me to drive you to school? i can take you i mean-"

"no mom" i chuckled "ill be fine on the bus." i started walking out the door and waved.

she said, "ill see you soon then y/n. goodluck honey!" as i smiled and shut the door behind me.

as i started walking i realized i would have to find a seat on the bus which is the worst thing ever since i have social anxiety. I mean its not severe or anything i just get really nervous and my hands get all clammy and all that shit. when i got to the bus stop i thought everyone would look at me and whisper but nah no one really gave a shit about the new girl. I just leaned against a huge rock. i couldnt tell if it was real or just a fake made out of concrete to make this place look nicer. i was minding my business when some dude came up to me.

"um hey?"

i looked up at him confused. "uh..hi?"

"you're new arent you"

"oh- yeah haha" i awkwardly responded.

"ah thats cool. i'm jisung, han jisung" he smiled and put his hand out for me to shake.

"oh nice to meet you im y/n" i shook his hand even though i didnt want to because i knew it was all sweaty and nasty.

"wow you have sweaty hands"

"oh sorry im nervous haha"

"nah its cool. hey, i can be your first friend! if youre cool w that"

"omg yes that would be amazing i was worried i would be awkwardly walking around alone all day"

"haha its okay i can introduce you to my friends too theyre nice"


just then the bus came and i got on following jisung and sat next to him. we exchanged instas and gave each other our numbers.

"cool, now if you have any questions you can ask me"

"actually i do have a question"


"what year are you in?" i asked. tbh i didnt want to be talking to a freshman and his friends only but he didnt look like a freshman.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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