OG OCTOBER-Explanations

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Hello and welcome to OG october, this month's writing contest about the OG mcyts.

Each week you will be given a prompt to write about, and your points are based on the points chapter right after this.

Angst and Fluff will give you plus points in accordance to how you use them.

At the end of the month, the person who has most points wins! Wins what? Bragging rights!

You don't need to join the competitions to use the prompts, it's free for all! But please DM me so I can see your beautiful work!

To inform me if your done with your work, please DM or tag me!

One last thing: To make things easier for me and to not make the rules chapter, I do not accept smut, lemon, lime, NSFW, BDSM, or any sexually related things.

Please put trigger warnings for other readers who might get affected.

And, don't submit anything less than 100 words (exemption is a poem) and don't submit anything not about OGs.

Thank you and enjoy!

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