"Yes. And since you will soon be marrying Your Majesty the Duke of Crawford, you are the right person for the unity of the Empire."

"The support of the people is also reaching the sky, so what more can I say?"

As soon as I opened my mouth, opinions in favor poured in as if waiting.

Even Edwin, the Archduke and Evelynn were looking at me passionately.

"I'll have to craft a new Emperor's Coffin. A design that suits Lina."

"Don't worry, Dad will do all he can to help."

"Angelina, just talk. I'll do whatever Peyton can do."

"Oh, there it is. Wait."

I thought that I would not be able to ascend to the throne in such a hurry, so I went out.

Everyone was looking at me with eyes expecting the words of consent to fall from me.

He tried to turn away from them and spoke with strength one word at a time.

"I have no intention of becoming emperor. I don't want to."

the emperor You've just escaped from Jueri's mission, but you want to take on a heavy responsibility again?

It is an unconditional specification.

I don't want to study and I don't want to be immersed in work.

'I'm going to rest from now on. I'm going to live a leisurely life lying around in bed.'

They all showed disappointment when they shouted firmly.

"I'm sorry. It suits Lina well."

Edwin mumbled as he tucked his hair down behind my ear.

"Are you sure you don't want it?"

"Yes. I really don't want to."

As he shook his head resolutely, the Archduke made a very sad expression on his face.

"Then how about if the Duke takes over? Isn't the Duke the second most qualified after the Grand Duchess here?"

"no. Does the emperor have a lot of work? Even now, I don't have enough time to be with Lina. Never do it."

Edwin frowned and shook his head.

Not knowing what to do, everyone looked at each other and secretly looked at the Archduke.

"The Emperor is the Grand Duke. That would be the best."

Edwin took the lead, and the rest nodded eagerly.

"I gave up my right to the throne a long time ago. I don't deserve it."

"What does the right of succession mean in the context of rebellion? The Archduke is the most suitable among us. So do it."

"... ... ."

When the Archduke couldn't make a decision easily, Edwin hurriedly asked a question.

"The Grand Duchess and the Princess. Which one do you think would suit Lina more?"

"... ... Let me take over."

"great. Then it's decided Can I prepare for the coronation in a month? The Emperor and Crown Prince should be dealt with before then."

"I thought I'd catch my breath now. I will be busier in the future."

Duke Peyton sighed, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Father, congratulations."

I greeted the Archduke with joy, and he turned to me.

"From now on, there will be no one in this Aserian Empire who will treat you badly. No, I won't let anyone in the world touch you."

Marigold fell into the Yandere's armsWhere stories live. Discover now