Please Come Home (Liz&Michael) - Request ★

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, I think so." Leo says quietly.

"Are you sure?" I ask, concerned.

"Yeah." Leo nods before shivering.

"Are you cold?" I ask.

"I'm fweezing, Mama." Leo says.

I put my hand on his forehead and feel him burning up.

"You're boiling hot, Leo." I say.

"No, I'm cold." Leo groans, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Can you come with me to the kitchen so I can take your temperature?" I ask, holding out my hand for him.

"I'm tired to walk." Leo whines.

"Let Mommy carry you then." I say, picking him up and resting him on my hip before walking to the kitchen.

"I wanna sleep." Leo says.

"You can in just a few minutes, baby." I say, taking the thermometer from the medicine cabinet.

"No put it in my ear." Leo begs.

"It's alright, this one goes in your mouth. Open." I say and he opens his mouth.

I hold the thermometer under his tongue for a couple of seconds and then check it.

"See? I'm fine." Leo sniffles.

"Holy hell! You've definitely got a fever, buddy." I say.

"No I don't." Leo whines.

"A temperature of 104°F is not 'fine', Leo." I tell him.

"Ugh." Leo groans.

"I'm going to give you this to make you feel better." I say, tipping a spoon of medicine into his mouth.

"I'm so cold." Leo cries, burying his head in my chest.

"I know, darling. Let's get you to bed." I say softly, carrying him upstairs.

"What about face timing Daddy?" Leo cries.

"We can show him tomorrow, Leo. We need to focus on getting you better." I say, laying him into his bed.

"And shopping." Leo whines.

"We can do shopping another time." I say.

"I'm still cold." Leo shivers.

"Here." I cover him with his weighted blanket and then the duvet. "Better?"

"Will you sleep here too?" Leo yawns.

"I gotta call the doctor and get some advice." I say, tucking his stuffed toys under his arm.

"Noooo pease stay." Leo says, starting to cry again.

"Oh, darling. Okay, Mommy's here." I say, getting under the blankets next to him.

"Stay here." Leo cries.

"I'm right next to you. I'm not going anywhere." I say, cuddling him into my side.

"You're warm." Leo says, lying his head on my chest.

"Don't make yourself too hot, Leo baby." I say, stroking through his hair.

Leo yawns before slowly starting to fall asleep.


After Leo's been asleep for a while, I carefully slip off his bed and quietly walk out. I immediately phone Michael. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hey beautiful. How's it going?" Michael asks.

"Leo's sick." I say.

"Oh, poor thing. Is he okay?" Michael asks.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now