Chapter 7

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I pace around the kitchen, hand around my coffee cup, wondering where the hell Eddie is. He's been gone a good hour and I managed to have a shower and put on a mini dress and some fishnets in that time. I have a baggy sweater over the top of my dress and my hair is in a messy bun.

I hear the door open and I rush to it.
Eddie walks in and looks at me with half a smile.

"Ed..." I say.

He closes the door behind him.

"Hey." He says simply.

"I'm really sorry....I honestly didn't mean to say what I said." I say, feeling so incredibly bad.

"I don't wanna talk about this now. I'm gonna stay at Stone's for a few nights. After that we got a show in Vancouver, so I won't be back for a little while." He replies. "When I get back in a couple of weeks, we can talk about it then."

My heart skips a beat. I know I should leave it but I can't.

"You're just gonna leave it this way?" I ask.

"I don't know what you want from me Case. I didn't put us in this situation..." he sighs. "I'm sorry, I just need a little time."

I can smell the weed on him. His eyes are half open so I know what he was doing out on his walk. His speech is slurred like it always is when he is high.

"What if I come with you to your show? We will have a break and then we can talk?" I suggest, gripping on to some kind of hope.

"Casey...I'll see you in two weeks." Eddie replies.

I start to feel anxious. A pit at the bottom of my stomach starts to swallow me whole as I worry that what we have is over.

"Eddie please..." I begin, with a slight crack in my voice.

He goes to the room we stay in together and pulls out a suitcase.
He begins to pack a bunch of clothes, just throwing things in without looking. He zips it up and grabs his guitar case, leaving the room.

"I'm gonna miss you" I say feeling low and helpless.

He puts his stuff down at the door and I walk closer to him, taking his hand in mine as I am nearer to him.

He takes it. Back still turned to me and with his thumb, rubs the back of my hand as our fingers are intertwined.

He brings my hand to his lips now and kisses the back of it, before bringing it back down and letting go.

He proceeds to pick up his luggage again and exits the door.

"You really need me for anything, Stone's number is on speed dial in the phone. Take care Casey." He says before closing the front door behind him.

I wipe the tears that are forming from my eyes with my hand and go to our room and lay on the bed for a while, sobbing from feeling like I lost something special.

2 hours later I'm raiding the fridge for alcohol.
I see some Bud Lights in there and I take one and open the can, almost downing the beverage in the process.

"Fuck it." I say, angry at myself for all the pain I've caused.

I feel like a mess and forget that I'm not the only one who lives here.

Jerry walks into the kitchen and looks at me with a slight smirk and some kind of confusion.

"I thought you and Ed were gonna be fucking on the counter top or something." He half laughs.

"You don't have to worry about that..." I reply.

He looks at me a little more serious now and wonders what I mean.

Got Me Right (Jerry Cantrell & Eddie Vedder X OFC) Where stories live. Discover now