Oh No

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Ryan finished getting ready (wearing Sebastian's clothes <3) and sat next to Sebastian, Sebastian pecked his lips and Ryan hid himself out of embarrassment. Sebastian couldn't help but smile brightly, Ryan's embarrassment triggered him so when Sebastian turned around to grab his charged phone he was gone. Sebastian jaw dropped in shock and quickly ran out the door that was already opened, he look down seeing Ryan in the living room giggling and the others in the kitchen. He quickly went downstairs to find Ryan missing again, he sighed and turned around and*poof* he was right there still giggling. Sebastian wrapped his arms around him quickly catching his breath, Ryan snuggled into him smiling. Sebastian started wondering what was happening, he was acting like a child and then it hit him...

**Sebastian's Pov** (Finally)

I was holding Ryan out of breath wondering why he was acting like a kid but then it hit me hard, something triggered him... But what? I don't know. I thought and thought but I couldn't figure out why he got triggered. He was snuggling into me a lot, this was actually really cute I'm not gonna lie. I saw Oliver coming so I quickly picked him up and went upstairs to my room, he held onto me tightly because it was so sudden. I put him on my bed before telling him to stay still and be quiet, he nodded slowly probably thinking he did something wrong... Just then we heard a knock on the door. Ryan was about to get up but I stopped him, I kissed him forehead before getting the door. Oliver started asking us to come downstairs but I had to shut him down quickly, I said something important happened and we couldn't but I could go downstairs to get breakfast and come back, he didn't seem to believe me until I said it was for a video and then he agreed. I sighed of relief, I closed the door and Ryan was playing with a stuffed animal I had... So fucking cute.

I sat with him and he put the stuff animal on my head laughing, I carefully took it off and gave it back to him. Then I told him to wait here while I went to get breakfast, he started pouting and my heart started fluttering. I couldn't his cuteness... I was about to leave when he said almost yelling "Please!". I turned around to see him pointing to his head still pouting, I was confused at first but it hit me quickly. I went back to him and kissed his forehead and gave him a few more stuff animals to play with, he smiled so bright and went back to playing with the stuff animals. My heart was racing, why was he so freaking cute? I went downstairs and got our breakfast, everyone else but Oliver was confused but Oliver started telling them my lie when I headed upstairs. I went back into my room to find Ryan playing in my spinning chair, I stopped the chair and he looked at the food I had placed in front of him then at me.

I put my plate down next to his before going to close and lock the door hoping that when he eats he'll be back, not that I didn't like him this way it's really cute but if the others don't know it's gonna be hard to take care of him when he has these triggers. I pulled up another chair and we started eating, he looked at me when he was done and surprisingly he finished everything and I got him the usual amount. He was patiently waiting for me to finish and when I did he crawled into my lap and rested his head on my shoulder, he then told me his head hurt and before I could do anything he passed out. Maybe he'd be himself again? Well we'll find out... I carefully picked him up and placed him on my bed and put a blanket over him. I started editing a video for my own channel and after 20 minutes Ryan woke up, he asked what happened and I told him. He sighed and confirmed he got triggered but it doesn't last all day, the longest it happened was 6 hours a long time ago which was a long time but that's on rare occasions.

I didn't tell him how cute he was, I know I've already said it and I'm gonna say it a lot more but he's so cute like words can barely describe how cute, he's adorable. Now I know more about his triggers our date will be less complicated. Yes, I know it'll trigger him but I feel bad for him so I want him to experience these things even if it might be "late". I went to sit next to him and he laid his head on my shoulder, I kissed his head and told him to get ready for our date. He seemed confused at first but smiled and nodded. I quickly went downstairs and met up with Seri, my best friend since childhood. She may be a little crazy and definitely childish sometimes but I still love her some what.

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