New Room

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They got their stuff in the room and then noticed it had one bed. Neither of they were uncomfortable though, they didn't mind sharing and still had their excitement of staying together. They both laid down and decided to unpack in the morning. Ryan was the first to fall asleep as he was still really tired. Sebastian fell asleep a few minutes later and unconsciously started cuddling Ryan. Ryan woke up at 2am, when he felt Sebastian's arms around him he turned around to face him. Ryan made himself smaller, and Sebastian unconsciously held him tighter and closer. Ryan felt something inside but ignored it and went back to sleep while Sebastian cuddled him.

Sebastian was the first to wake up, it was 8am. Sebastian finally noticed he was cuddling Ryan, he slowly got up but Ryan grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. Sebastian froze at the sudden movement. Ryan hugged him tightly. "Stay with me". Sebastian didn't know what to do but laid there with Ryan and hugged him back. It was 8:50am now and Sebastian woke Ryan up but he was wasn't fully awake. Sebastian went to the bathroom to get ready, they decided at last night's dinner to have 9am meeting so everyone know what they're doing that day. Sebastian started taking his shower while Ryan was having trouble getting up. Sebastian got out and got dressed before leaving the bathroom, he saw Ryan sitting up but still half asleep.

"Come on Ryan, we need to get up for the meeting"

"Why does it have to be a 9am...?"

"I don't know, we all agreed on it"

Ryan sighed and laid back down. Sebastian tried to get Ryan up but it wasn't working at all. Ryan sat up as Sebastian started giving up, he got himself up more and looked at Sebastian who looked worried about what would happen. Sebastian looked back as Ryan made grabby hands.

"What do you want Ry?" Ryan was shocked at the sudden nickname but didn't mind it. Sebastian walked closer to Ryan slowly not knowing what he wanted because he didn't want to use his words and speak.

"Ry, what's up?"


"You want me to carry you..?"


Sebastian didn't know what to do while Ryan pouted. He finally decided to just pick him up. He picked up Ryan carefully and took him to the bathroom, he left quickly so he could shower alone. Ryan carefully wash his arm and thighs, he had to, his habit was pretty bad and it takes a while to stop. He just needed to hide it until he could stop.... Right? He got out and treated them before getting dressed to hopefully make them go away quickly but sometimes they didn't. He made sure to wear long sleeves which wasn't weird because it was getting colder outside.

Sebastian hugged him as soon as he got out, Ryan flinched at first hoping Sebastian didn't notice which he didn't. He hugged him back, Sebastian started smiling uncontrollably and Ryan was confused until he pick him up and started heading downstairs for the meeting that they were about 5 minutes late for. Ryan tried to make Sebastian put him down and they ran into Justin on the way who was going to see why they weren't downstairs already.

Justin looked at Sebastian with that same look, Sebastian wondered what his problem was but carefully put Ryan down. Ryan looked confused until he saw Justin, he knew how much he didn't like being touched but when it was Sebastian he didn't feel uncomfortable ever in the day and night they spent together. Justin hugged Ryan like nothing happened and Ryan as usual gave an annoyed look and carefully started pushing him off. Justin rolled his eyes and they all head downstairs, but Sebastian thought it'd be funny to piss off Justin for fun. He picked Ryan up halfway through the way downstairs and started carrying him, Ryan gave his poker face as he thought it'd be better.

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