Alone is Just Around the Corner

Start from the beginning

She nodded and pulled her face up into her knees. Her eyes snapped shut hard, as if she were trying to get away from a memory, or forget it forever. I wish I could do that, forget what I see.

"You'll be okay." I paused. "You just need to get your mind off of it for a while. Why don't you talk, to me? Tell me what's on your mind?" I offered. I remembered once Niall had told me I would be a good therapist, but now was not the time to mention that.

She answered with one word, the first word I heard her say in a long time. "Niall."

Brooke's POV:

So, I'm not really sure what's up. Everyone is quiet, and only moving when the canned fruit is passed to them. It really sucks actually, I was hoping for an energetic night. But sadly, Amber and Harry are still upset.

"So, how's everyone doing?" I asked trying to get a mood simmered up. No, one even looked up, but at least someone answered me.

"Okay? I guess." Liam stated chuckling a bit. But that was all for conversation.

I skimmed around the fire. Zayn and Molly were sitting awkwardly side by side. Zoey and Liam were hand in hand against a tree. And there was Amber, staring into space.

"So, are we going to do something?" I questioned but even that idea, bored me.

Liam was about to answer again, before Harry cut him off. "Zoey could've done something, 3 days ago." Harry muttered, looking straight into the fire. Is he seriously still on this subject? He's been torturing her for the last 3 days...  

"Nope, she couldn't even done that right, now could you." This time Harry stared directly at Zoey. Okay, is no one going to say anything? I know he's upset but, Zoey didn't do anything.

"If Louis were still alive, I bet you would be dead. Then we could all be happy again." Harry told her. Okay that's it. He crossed the line.

"Harry, shut up!" I exclaimed much more calmly than I imagined.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, shut up." I told him firmly. He turned confused, by my sudden outburst.

His eyebrows scrunched together. "Huh?" He asked. I could see desperation looming in his eyes, right now.

"Are you seriously still blaming Zoey for this? I mean, it wasn't like she was planning: I'm going to kill Louis. And besides, it hurt her too." I tried not to raise my voice, but something in me just wanted to scream it to him.

"Are you taking her side?" He suddenly seemed defensive.

"Yes, Harry. Yes I am. And you know why? Because there is no reason for you to treat her like that! And I'm SICK of it." So, now I'm yelling...

"You know what...?" He trailed off. And before I knew it he was on his feet walking away from me.

"What do I know!?" I screamed and started to chase after him. I'm not sure why but my blood was boiling. Maybe we spend too much time together.

"Well, let me see! Do I really have to tell you? You practically shout it to the world everyday!" He screamed back throwing his arms in the air.

What was he talking about? "What?" I yelled my voice cracking at the end.

"Maybe, I'm just tired of you! Maybe, you're the problem!" He shouted in my face.

I have to admit that hurt. "Screw you!" I replied and I'm not sure why but my hand flung up slapping him right across the face.

My reaction startled him, but he got madder by the second. I didn't stay to find out though. Before anything could happen, I turned my back from him and pranced off... To my true friends.

Molly's POV:

Yikes! That was a big blow out. It's hard to imagine the two love birds getting into the first fight. But I had to agree with Brooke on this one. Although, Harry wouldn't understand, the stress he's putting Zoey through.

That night, we went to bed and it was my night to take watch, which I really didn't mind. The only part that bugged me was, Harry wasn't sleeping tonight. Instead, he decided that he was going to take watch with me. I would leave him alone, to take watch, but Zayn reminded me that when Harry's mad he does some weird things...

Everyone was asleep, after the first half in hour. Besides Harry and I of course. Harry was just beside the tree, opposite of me glaring into the horizon.

I knew it was going to be awkward, so I didn't even try to talk to him. It wasn't like he would want to talk to me, anyways. He thought of me as a reason his best friend was dead... right?

"Can you believe her?" He smirked. Was... Was he talking to me?

"Uhh..." I was unsure what to say. Maybe I should just go along with it? I don't know.

"Screw you." He mocked in her voice. "You know the reason why I was mean to Zoey right?" He turned to me, so I definitely knew he was talking to me.

"No? Why?" I asked, curiously.

"Louis and I, were like... peanut butter and jelly." He paused to look at me, before returning his sight to the ground. "For a while, inseperateable. Until he moved away. That was the worst day of my life I think. It was like... moving away from your brother. Did you have any siblings?"  

I sighed then nodded. "Yeah, I get what you mean. I actually had a twin, brother. And all though he irritated me, I loved... with all my heart." I exclaimed, thinking about Cole, was hard.

"Exactly! Except, Louis and I never got into fights. And... We were always close. Really close. Like true brothers should be..." He trailed off, still thinking hard about Louis.

I didn't know how to answer so I didn't. Instead, I stared up at the stars and waited for him to talk again... if he did.

"I'm going to apologize to Brooke tomorrow." He paused. "And Zoey."

I smiled, glad by his decision. "Good... They need you."


Author's Note:

Hey! How did you like the chappie? It's sort of a filler really... A little drama, that's all. Please tell me your comments below and vote! :))) Thanks!

~Cassie ♥ Xxx


Oh yeah! So there is this amazing author name Jill Maria! She is like a SUPPPPER good author! Please, please, please check out her works! If you don't know who she is, then you need to look at books. Thanks again! (she's dedicated to the chapter)

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