046. real life. (again)

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AFTER HIS shower, argyle entered birdie's room in some random basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt of a movie, edward scissorhands. "hey." birdie sat up, adjusting himself in bed. in a tanktop and plaid pyjama pants. argyle watched him for a split second. man, how the fuck did he pull someone so hot? there was no way. it had to be a prank. or some sort of sick joke he was apart of or something.

"hey." argyle murmured, walking over and birdie smiles faintly. "can you braid my hair?" argyle raised the hair tie in his hand and birdie quickly sat up, smiling wider before patting the spot in front of him. argyle would never get over how excited birdie gets over braiding or brushing his hair. argyle rarely lets anyone touch his hair, not since he was younger and his mom use to cut it a lot, but he started growing it out when he turned fourteen and insisted he liked it better that way. it took a while to convince her but she agreed, that it looked nice, especially on him.

people use to make weird comments about how he's cool for "embracing his heritage" and stuff, being indigenous-hispanic. argyle is quiet the whole time that birdie braids his hair into one braid at the back of his head when the boy leans closer suddenly, smelling. "your hair smells nice." he whispers and argyle just smiles, "weirdo." he simply tells him.

"nevermind, last time i compliment you." the shorter says in a joking tone, leaning back and finishing off the braid by tying the bottom of it. "there," he says quietly and argyle quickly turned around in his seat so he can face his boyfriend. "i do want to." he said and birdie raised his brows. "yeah?" he says, a bit taken back. "yeah, i really do," argyle quickly nods, then sighed. "it's just that... i--i'm scared. or, i guess, you'd call it, um, insecure. i've never, like, been fully nude in front of anyone." he said and birdie nods his head softly.

"yeah, no, i understand." he says in a soft voice and argyle sighed. "i--i'm not, like, fatphobic or anything, i'm just--" "oh! it's that? i thought it was, like, your junk is weird, or something... like a weird shaped dick or something." birdie quickly cut off the taller who's brows furrow together then glanced down.

"wait... have you not noticed?" he asked then touched the slight pudge around his waist. "no..." birdie furrows his brows then glanced down. "i--i never did. but, argyle, i really don't mind. i like you either way. it's your body and i like it. i like everything about you." he says and argyle glanced up. "oh... okay." he says quietly and birdie smiles softly at him.

"i don't think anyone's treated me the way you do." argyle glanced up and birdie just leans in, pecking his lips. "well, you deserve someone who cares for you, no matter what..." he whispers and argyle leaned in, kissing him more passionately with his arm resting around birdie's waist as his other hand falls flat onto the mattress behind his boyfriend.

he leans away, something coming to mind as he just chuckles softly. "i really like you. like, i don't think i've ever felt this way for anyone." he whispers and birdie smiles. "me too." he whispered and connected their lips again, his arms around argyle's neck.

after when birdie fell asleep and argyle just had an arm lazily over his waist, he looked away from the ceiling to look at his boyfriend. "hey, do you ever think about... that night?" played in his mind over and over as birdie hummed and moved closer, a hand falling over argyle's chest. what the fuck did that mean?

it was boggling argyle's mind. and he couldn't sleep. he also didn't want to ask. he didn't want to know. did birdie and steve kiss? make out? jerk each other off? just cuddle? kill someone together? shit, that'd be way better than the worry argyle had that steve fucking harrington might have taken argyle's boyfriend's virginity. they're friends for crying out loud.

so when birdie was on the other end of the bed, closer to the edge and no longer holding onto argyle or being held by him, the hispanic got up and grabbed a few things from his bag before making his way downstairs and to the backyard where he smoked a joint by himself. he finished the whole joint of the indica strain and leaned back, closing his eyes.

once he got rid of the joint, he locked the backdoor and headed back up to find birdie sitting up, holding his hands over his face. he's silently weeping and sobbing quietly. "woah, woah, woah, hey, hey, hey," argyle rushed to his side making him flinch, "argy." his eyes are tear stained and he's frowning.

"are you okay?" argyle asked worriedly as he kneeled down by the bed and birdie just sniffled, nodding. "i--i just had a bad dream and i woke up alone, so i--i--" "it's okay, i'm here." argyle climbed onto the bed and pulled him closer, rubbing birdie's back gently.

"you smell like weed." birdie murmured into his shoulder. "i'm the weed god, baby." argyle grins and birdie can practically hear it through his voice as he giggles softly. "you're such a doof." he hugs back tighter onto his boyfriend, closing his eyes and argyle smiled softly. "are you okay?" he brushed his fingers through birdie's short hair and the cohen nods his head softly as he looks up at his boyfriend.

"yeah," he whispers and argyle really wants to ask, he really does but he just laid onto the bed, bringing birdie with him. he hugs him tightly and birdie rested his head onto his shoulder, closing his eyes. "goodnight." the younger says and argyle rubs his back.

"goodnight, baby."












authors note
birdie is so the type to shit on petnames when he hears other couples using petnames then completely blushes and gets shy whenever argyle calls them baby

+ four updates today bc i slept like nearly the whole day lmao

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