【 Lunar rainbow 】Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"Oh Pardon me but what Kohaku used on you should be gone by now it was a demon numbing powder it numbs the abilities and senses of a demon but is less potent in a half demon." Sango explained. (Y/n) nodded his head then pulled down the other side showing basically his whole chest and upper back. He started to grow branches with white flowers from his back then shook his sleeves and bunches of butterflies came out and started feeding on the flowers. Inuyasha and his friends were in awe. It was a lovely sight.

"Wait (Y/n), did you protect Sesshomaru from being sucked into Naraku's flesh?" Inuyasha asked, pointing at the flowers.

"I did. I linked with a butterfly and was able to see what they see even if I'm miles away. When I was captured I sent a butterfly to my lord so he could find me and to get updates on his well being. But I saw that Sesshomaru was about to be absorbed and stuck my roots into a rat hole and grew my branches underground and made them bloom and protect my Lord then you came and we are here." (Y/n) smiled.

"Your cherry blossoms are so pretty!" Kagome gushed in admiration.

"Thank you!" (Y/n) smiled, picking one for her.

"Inuyasha should show that kind of devotion to Kagome instead of sneaking off with Kikyo." Shippo said underhandedly.

"I've had it with you!" Inuyasha shouted, jumping Shippo. Kagome sighed angrily.

"Inuyasha sit! Can't you see we are trying to have a conversation!" Kagome shouted as Inuyasha hit the floor face first again. He stayed there for a good minute. (Y/n) held a hand to his mouth to hide his chuckle.

"(Y/n) we need to go." Sesshomaru said (Y/n) smiled and nodded his head.

"It was wonderful to finally meet you all and Inuyasha it was wonderful to meet my lord's younger brother." (Y/n) smiled, grabbed Inuyasha's head pushing it down and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Inuyasha looked up and was shocked for a moment. (Y/n) reminded him of his mother. Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha. (Y/n) drew his butterfly's back into his sleeve and made his cherry blossom branches absorb into his skin.

"Bye (Y/n)." Inuyasha gave a small smile but Kagome and the others gave him a deadpan face.

"Bye everyone! And I will trust you to take care of Inuyasha while I'm away." (Y/n) said to a butterfly who landed on his hand he kissed it and blew it onto Inuyasha's head. "Don't worry about the butterfly, he is basically indestructible. He will be my eyes and ears so I know all of you are alive and if you need any assistance I will also be there for you." (Y/n) smiled as Sesshomaru surprised Hiko and picked him up bridal style. They flew off leaving Inuyasha's group alone. (Y/n) instantly activated the butterfly to see if it was connected and it was. Even though he was far away, he saw from the perspective of on top Inuyasha's head.

They reached a cave where Rin and Jaken were in. Rin had started a fire and was asleep on A-Un. She had left some fish for (Y/n) to eat and Jaken was asleep too. (Y/n) grabbed the food and walked past Sesshomaru to sit just a bit outside the cave. Sesshomaru sat to join him.

"My lord, I'm sorry for causing so much trouble." (Y/n) whispered, looking down.

"What's done is done. I saved you because I still find use in you." Sesshomaru whispered back since everyone was sleeping. (Y/n) looked up at the moon with a smile, the moonlight reflecting off of his eyes. Sesshomaru glanced at him and then the moon.

"My lord, look, it's a lunar rainbow!" (Y/n) jumped up but winced and sat back down in pain. Sesshomaru somewhat worriedly turned his head to look.

"Did you reopen your wound?" He asked.

"No I just got up too quickly but look I've only read about lunar rainbows! I've never actually seen one!" (Y/n) smiled looking up at the rainbow in the full moon. Sesshomaru looked up and was taken aback also. It started to drizzle a little. (Y/n) held out his hand to feel the droplets.

"My lord we should head inside, we wouldn't want to catch a cold." He whispered as Sesshomaru helped (Y/n) up off the ground. (Y/n) walked next to Rin and took off some of his layers to cover Rin and himself using A-Un as a pillow.

"My lord, do you think we can find a spring or something tomorrow? I want to bathe and wash my clothing. Rin's hair is disgusting... she would do well for one too when was the last time she bathed?" (Y/n) asked but was met with silence when he looked up at Sesshomaru he was in deep thought.

"Rin needs to bathe?" He said confused.

"Did you not know that! Personal hygiene is an Important thing! People get sick when they are dirty cus they are covered in bad stuff!! First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to find a spring to clean poor Rin off in!" (Y/n) exclaimed before jumping back under the covers to sleep, Sesshomaru was still confused but shrugged it off.

[white blossoms] Sesshomaru X m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now