Indy: "Maybe I can help with those~" I hear the last voice I wanted to ever hear, dropping my glass to the floor as I snap my head towards the living room, seeing a pair of red eyes glowing in the darkness. "Hello sweetie~"

I backed up in horror to the other end of my kitchen as I watch Indy emerge from the darkness, walking towards me as I cower to the floor, hugging the cabinets behind me.

Indy: "What's the matter? Surprised to see me?" she asks in a mocking tone as she wears the sadistic look on her face.

(Y/n): "Y-You can't be here! I-I swear you-"

Indy: "You what? Saw my die by the hands of that old bitch?" she laughs as she crouches down in front of me, bringing us face to face. She brings one of her nails to my face, running it along my left cheek. "Did you really think that would stop me from having you?"

(Y/n): "P-Please don't hurt me!" I stutter out in fear, feeling tears fall down my cheeks.

Indy: "Hurt you? Now why would I want to hurt you?" she ask as she tilts her head slightly, placing a hand on my cheek. "I don't want to hurt you. . . . I want to fucking kill you!"

Her calm and sadistic tone quickly turned to rage as she moves her hand from my cheek to my throat, nearly crushing my windpipe as she chokes me.

Indy: "It's clear I'm never going to earn your heart! So I'm going to take it!" she growls, those same words she said to me three years ago on main street. She takes the knife off her belt and brings it up to my face. "And this time, no one will save you!"

(Y/n): "I-Indy! Please just think about this!" I beg.

Indy: "I don't need to think about it. . . Goodnight Darling!" she cackles before plunging the knife into my chest, twisting it as I scream bloody murder before feeling her pull it down my chest, the entire time not breaking an eye away from my face. I tried to stop her by grabbing at her arm, but she was a lot stronger then me and just continues to cut my chest open before using her free hand to pull my chest open and punch her hand into me, causing a pain I couldn't even begin to describe before pulling her arms back. . . and when I look to her hand, I saw my still beating heart in her palm.

Indy: "My my, its very beautiful darling, just like you~" she giggles before leaning in a kisses me on the lips. "Sleep well~"

And those were the last words I heard before my world went dark. . . 

(Y/n): "JESUS CHRIST!" I shout as I woke up in a cold sweat, nearly falling out my bed as I jolt up. I quickly look around at my surroundings, seeing I was back in my bedroom. I jump out of bed and rush to my bathroom, slamming the door open before turning the light on and look at myself in the mirror. I lift my shirt up and see no damage on my chest, which made me give a heavy sigh in relief as I lean over my sink, my stomach feeling like it was going to eject my supper any second. 

Into Jurassic Hell: Yandere Human Indoraptor X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now