kidnapped max

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Max was nikki was at school they were close to be over as the bell rang they walked home unit ratgan poped in front of them and grabbed max and put her in the bag " hey sewrd rat let her go!" Nikki kicked him ratgan scratched her face the wound definatly is deep mostky a scar " nikki help!" Max yelled " quiet you!" Ratagan said "tell basil if he wants his daughter back meet me at the dock to finished what we started " ratagan said as he disappeard " no!" Nikki shouted chip n dale came rushing to the scene so did basil and dawson " nikki youre poor beautyful face"chip said worriedly as he examined her cheek " wheres max?" Basil asked " im sorry i tried to stop him" nikki sniffled " oh blasted it i knew hes getting revenge and why didnt you tried to save her intead of stoping him" basil shouted as nikki hid behind chip n dale " woah hold on there mr basil dont you dare blame our daughter for ratagan took your daughter " chip said angerly as the four agrued then nikki had enough "hey! Thats enough and be quite! Were going to get max one way or another and agruing and blaming aint going to solved it" nikki shouted " youre right my dear sorry for blaming you " basil said ashamed of his behavior " its okay mr basil we just need to go to the dock like he said " nikki said "okay come dawson! We have no time to lose!" As basil and dawson took off yo save their daughter " come sweetie lets get youre wound clean " chip said as he picked up his daughter as dale give her bunch of kisses and hug sas chip cleaned her cheek wound. " do you think max will be okay?" Nikki asked her dads " we hope shell be okay sweethear" dale said as he cooking some spaggethi and meatballs " yeah honey basil and dawson will get her back " chip said as he place a cotton ball and patch for her cheek and place a little tabe on it and kissed her cheek

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