nikki first birthday

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It was a beautyfull morning in L.A  and been a year since chip n dale adopt nikki and moved to another nighborhood  and dale quit his job to be a stay at home dad chip woke up first and sees his lovin husband sleeping with drool coming out of his mouth hd gently wipe his drool with his paw and kissed his cheek " dale hun its time to get up" chip said lovenly dale yawned and woke up " morning hun you sleep well" dale asked his husband as he kissed his lips " yeah hun how about you?" Chip asked " i slept pretty good oh we almost forgot its nikki first birthday!" Dale exclaimed happily chip chuckled and nodded " yes my dear dale its our little girls birthday its a good thing its my day off so i can get her a cake and some prsents" chip said smiling then they heard bableing noise they smiled as they know nikki awake they went to her room and watched her smiled at them and giggled " hi sweetie happy birthday!" Dale exclaimed as he picked her up and blew rasberrys on her cheek nikki giggled then chip kissed her cheek " happy birthday sweetheart did you sleep good?" Chip asked his one year old daughter nikki babble in response " well take that as a yes we have big plans for you today!" Chip said cooing his daughter nikki squel in delight and clap her hands chip and dale laugh at their daughter cuteness " shes so cute and presous" chip said " yeah she is hun im so glad we have her in her life " dale said loveling " yeah me too hun i really feel bad for her mother i wish we couldve help her knowing it was sweet pete" chip said "hey its okay hun im sure someone take down sweet pete someday but for now lets enjoy today and celebrate this cutie birthday" dale said as he caress his husband face. "Youre right hun thank you so much" chip said as he kissed dale on the cheek. " no problem hun now im going to make breakfast and i think its youre turn to change nikki diaper" dale said as he left downstairs to make him and chip breakfast and got out warm milk and baby food for nikki while chip finished changing nikki diaper he put nikki on the cutest outfit for her specail day chip pick up nikki and kussed her cheek like a thousand time nikki giggled and clapped her hands chip smiled and headed downstairs to meet his husband making breakfast as dale set him and chip plate on the table he looked at nikki and gushed at her outfit "awww look at you our birthday girl is so cute!" Dale exclaimed and tickle her tummy nikki smiled as chip set her in the baby chair so he can feed her while he eat as well so he can get her cake and present after he finished eating and feeding nikki he wipes her mouth with a napkin and hands her to dale " okay hun ill be back with the stuff are you going to be okay while im gone?" Chip asked dale " yeah hun well be fine " dale said as he kissed his lip chip kissed back passionly " okay ill be back and we weill get started on youre party princess" chip said as he kissed her forehead as he headed out the door. In about a half an hour later chip got a chocolate cake and a baby doll and a few baby toys for nikki and entered the house " dale nikki im home" chip called out dale enterd the kitchen where chip is at and carried nikki with him theres our birthday girl! ready for youre cake" chip said as he took nikki and put her in the baby chair nikki clap her hands in excitement dale cut a small size cake and handed her the cake "oh i almost forgot a spoon for her!" Dale said but chip stopped him " no look !" Chip said awed at his daughter eating cake with her tiny paws and smiled "ooo let me get a camra this is so cute!" Dale exclaimed happily as get go the recoder and record the whole thing chip and dale smiled as they watched nikki eating her cake and she enjoying the cake. After she finished her cake dale wipe her mouth with a napkin while chip got out the prsent for her " here you go baby happy birthday!" Chip said smilinh as he handed nikki a baby doll while dale record her shes hugging the doll and played with the other toys that she recived and smiled at her dads appercated her gifts they both awed at her she so cute. And the rest of the day they played toys with their daughter and watch all kids movie with her they love nikki so much they promised they will never let anything happen to her.

chip x Dale love storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें