a fun storm family night

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It's been a rainy like cats and dogs outside all day chip was reading one of his mysteries novel and dale was trying to turn on the stove see if the electricity was still on  " well I guess we going to have sandwiches for dinner  because I had no luck" dale said as he prepared for to make sandwiches "boo!" Nikki booed cutlely while chip was laughing  "Aww come on it's not so bad  plus we going to have a family fun night tonight " dale said excited  "but if the electricity is down how we going to watch tv " nikki asked " well sweetie we don't need tv to have a family fun night we have board games and tell stories " chip said as he looked at her bit his lip almost laughed at her pouting face  " you take after daddy  dont you? always wanted to  watch movies and eat?" Chip snickers  " not funny papa " nikki grumbled  chip and dale laughed at her cuteness  " alright sandwiches are made and I got some chips and drinks too " dale said as set the plates and drinks down chip and nikki went to the table and ate after they ate and finished the dishes they played a board game and figure out what story to tell "okay princess what story you want to hear from us" chip asked his five year old daughter "how you two feel  in love with each other " nikki asked  chip and dale blushed " how about a different version about us like kinda frozen " dale asked which nikki nodded in excitement  " once upon a time there was a young prince boy named dale he was born with magic he had a brother  but sadly  his mother divorced and took danny and swore she'll be back  Dale's  father tried to teach dale how to control his power  but his fear  is losing control so king harold told chip his best friend and his parents  that his closing the gate  until dale learned to control his power but chip told him he would never hurt him but king harold told him it was only temporarily  and when dale became king  hall learned to control his power  chip hugged his mother and cried fearing that he never seeing his vest best friend again  but 20 years later it was time to open the gates as dale breath in and out trying not to let fear get in the way and become  king is hard he's not cut out for this "you're majesty  they ceremony is about to begin " general fred said " oh I'll be right down in a moment " dale said as he trying to get  his outfit straight  "need help with that you're majesty?" A voice came out " yes please I just can't seem to" dale couldn't finished his sentence  and looked at his long best friend  "chip is that you?" Dale stammers  " yup it's me are you nervous  dale" chip asked while  he adjust his suit " to be honest chip yeah I'm not sure I'm cut out for this  I'm not the king type person " dale said " I understand dale I don't know why they can't find another guy to take it they can't force you to be king " chip mumbled "you're majesty they ready " fred said " well let's get you to be king " chip said awkwardly  " yeah"  sale said sadly  as dale put the crown on  an accepted as king there was a women and a man walking up to dale  face " excuse me  but who are you?" Dale asked  "I'm your  mother and this you're brother danny" Rachel said " sale are you okay?" Chip asked  Danny glared at dale and poison him with apple he forced to eat dale called down" dale! What did you do to him?! Chip asked in rage "we poison him  until the act of true love will cure him if he's cured he will no longer have powers trust me it's for his own good " Rachel said " guard! Take the them away! And get help!" Chip yelled as he held dale tight general fred arrested  Rachel and danny while they trying to figure out who dale true love is "Dale's never been in love  before ! There's got to be another way!"chip shouted " I'm sorry  chip but I'm afraid there isn't "fred said sadly  as they all left the room  except for chip who cried and hugged dale " dale  I'm so sorry  I couldn't  stop them in time please... wake up" chip as he kissed dale dale slowly wake up and suprises at chip kissed him chip open his eyes and saw dale was okay! "Dale! You're okay! Wait I'm you're true love?" Chip asked as he took Dale's hand  " yes chip I've been in love with you for years  until my dad closed the gates I've been lonely  and hoping we seen each other again " dale said admittedly  " but what about your duty as king?" Chip asked " I think i found someone who can replace me " dale smirked  a few days later a nervous ceremony was held "presenting his majesty  king fred of acknok " Robert said as he placed a crown on  him fred walked up to chip n dale  " thank you dale its it's been a pleasure to serve you and I won't let you or your father down" fred said " it's no problem  and I know you wont" sale smiled as he hold chips hand " I wish you both happiness  and we see each other soon " fred said " thank you fred and we will if we make a plan " chip said  "I will look on my schedule and let you know " fred said smirked  as he walked into his castle   dale stared at chip in his eyes as chip cupped Dale's chin and kissed "the end" chip said ending the story  "how you like that  princess?" Dale asked his daughter  " I love it! I hope I meet my true love someday " nikki said with love in her eyes dale n chip slumped on the floor and facepalm  "nikki's not dating  until she's thirty " chip mumbled  "agreed " dale  mumbled back nikki yawned " daddy,  papa  I'm tired now can you tuck me in" nikki asked " of course pumpkin " chip said as he picked her up as he and dale headed to her room put nikki pajamas on  and tucked her in chip kissed her forehead " goodnight babygirl  see you in the morning " chip said as he tuck her in dale came and blew raspberry on her cheek  nikki giggled  " goodnight  sweetie  have sweet dreams  see you in the morning " dale said as he kissed her forehead as he and chip closing her door making sure she's asleep  and closed her door with their smile on their face they went to bed and had sweet dreams .

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