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Breathe , Relax anu , the only thing i say to myself whenever i try to approach him , he seems cold yet helpful . he is like a maze game with no end , i do have a crush on him but he seems so reluctant . to get to know him is just like crossing the deep pacific ocean . it feels like he has alot to say but choose silence over communication . I sometimes feel like mentally slapping myself because i choose my feelings over my self respect and that dipshit hurts yet i still do it no matter what it takes , I encountered doubts in my algebra assignments so i had to approach him ,he is already at par in mathematics as his mother once told me he spent nights studying for examinations just to be the best competitor among his batchmates but he avoids staying at home . he lives on rent near his college campus . i could never predict how he is actually .  i sometimes think he just doesn't want anybody to help him out in anything because he believes that he is enough to handle everything on his own . he sometimes looks like a beautiful moon who just chooses to be alone but the reflection of his light is beautiful just like the darkness  he holds . while helping me out he was pissing me of by calling me the sunset " A sun who will never set ". just wow , just like logic he is excellent in literature too i never thought that but yes as his flat in front of mine  , i once saw him reading "The picture of Dorian grey " by Oscar Wilde and he was looking ethereal , i would say an archangel , perfectly carved jawline ,  sunlight glistening through his eyes and his brown hair covering his forehead but he didn't even cared to see i was staring at him .  

" look here anu , not at me , when i am explaining something you must be concerntrating " . he said like i was his student and he was my professor . 

" why are you so serious always ?". I asked . he just looked at me . hs silence was enough to make me realize  i just pissed him and he was not ready for a sweet caring therapy session . 

" first lets study and then we we will talk about it later okay ? " . he said making a W face and commenced his  algebra lecture again.

his words and the way he was expounding went all into my head in a one go .he will definitely excel if he pursued a profession to be a professor of mathematics and moreover he is hot as hell , girls will swoon over him and they will concentrate on him more than the actual discipline . 

"sunset , focus on assignment well and you can take your leave ". he said . 

but sitting beside him made my stomach drench in numerous butterflies and the air between was thickening , his every breathe through his voice and his lips . wait no i must concerntrate in my assignment . but his side profile was more alluring to me . he was sitting in grey cargo pants and loose tshirt , his veins were visible through his wrist , he was a masterpiece God spent hours creating , his features were identical of his mother and i think sons carrying more genes of their mums than dad appear highly attractive.

Sweet and SourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora