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No matter how much i think of him all day , it was still less . i want to think more about him because it makes me feel delighted that i finally have someone
With whom i can share everything .
He was non judgemental.
He was so gentle , soft and caring .

I sometimes wonder how someone can hurt a person like him. He is a complete softie and his voice is like music to my ears and I love to listen to him .
Everytime we used to talk he was always soft with me even we fought but even in that anger he had always been soft with me and that is the things i love the most about him . He gets annoyed really easily and small things trigger him alot but even in that anger he talks calmly .

He has mood swings and I think he really has that good level of anger but he controls it . he never spoke rudely but he used to react in little odd manner whenever he got annoyed . I really like it when he gets annoyed because he looks extremely cute with that face .

Everytime we made eye contact , my heart beats like crazy and i feel like there is a mouse residing in my heart who does nothing but plays guitar everytime he gets to know that this girl wants to see her soon to be or not to be cute and soft boy .
I think the mouse attach the strings of guitar with that auricles and ventricles in my heart and compose the melody of any kind of love song and it takes me to wonderland where i will stare at him all day long with a huge smile on my face .
I can't resist him even if i want to ,i do want him but what if he didn't liked me ?
Its fine i will still love him <3

Sweet and SourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon