My hot s-stalker... p8

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Chans POV* Chan walked home and plopped in bed, "hmm, what should I do?" Chan thought to himself and started thinking about what to do.

Chan peaked through the hole in the wall and saw jeongin still asleep "what a cutie" Chan said aloud, Chan covered the hole and just played some video games.

Jeongins POV* Jeongin woke up from his alarm on his phone and noticed that he had a notification from his dad.

"Come home we need to talk???" Jeongin was surprised and thinking about what his dad could want from him or want to talk about.

Jeongin got up and got dressed, he put on his socks and shoes then headed out the door.

Jeongin sighed and started to listen to music as he walked down the street on the way to the train station.

Chan's POV* Chan woke up to jeongin's door slam, he immediately got up and started to put his shoes on to go follow jeongin.

Chan watched and followed blending in with the crowd as jeongin payed no attention and just continued to walk.

Jeongin then got onto the train station and Chan quickly put on his hat and sat down with a big sigh "finally, I thought it was gonna be a mile longer" he thought to himself.

Jeongins POV* jeongin was sitting down and noticed an elder lady needed to sit down but no one was getting up for her.

"Excuse me ma'am I'll happily give you my seat" jeongin said with a sweet smile and bow, the old woman smiled "thank you kind young man".

The lady sat down with a great smile from the back pain getting relieved, jeongin was hanging onto the pole on the train with his hand but suddenly he lost his grip.

The train took a huge break and Jeongin fell onto someone's lap, jeongin opened his eyes and felt something underneath him as well as holding his waist.

Jeongin noticed his air pods fell out and so he bent over to get them on Chans lap.

Chan's POV* the train suddenly stopped and Jeongin fell into chan's lap, Chan smirked and held onto his waist.

"We're meant to be~" Chan whispered in Jeongins ear, Chan noticed as Jeongins ear's turned red.

Chan coughed and said "oi! Hey!!! It's you again! What are you doing here?" Chan said smiling trying to contain his dirty thoughts.

"H-hi! I'm sorry let me get up! Oh this is so embrassing!!!" Jeongin laughed it off and got up bowing.

"Yea I'm just visiting my parent's house and stuff, I didn't think I'd run into you!?" Jeongin said trying move on from what happened, Chan chuckled "oh nice! I'm just going to a mall to buy new clothes!".

Jeongin nodded with a smile and started to continue listening to his music.

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