He takes off his clothes and joins me. His arms link around my body, pulling me in.

"I thought I lost you," he kisses my neck. "You almost died and I didn't protect you. I won't let you down again." I kiss him on the lips.

"I want another baby," I say and his smile drops.

"You just lost one," he says. "We are still grieving."

"I've lost two children, Harwin," I say. "But we also have 3 children who are bright and beautiful and who find the world fascinating and they look like you. It's worth the risk for me. I never wanted to go through that, but the light at the end is worth it."

"You are incredible," he whispers and he moves the wet hair off my shoulder. "Everyday I fall more in love with you." My cheeks turn red.

"Can I tell you a story?" I say.

"Of course," he replies.

"When I first moved to the castle, I made a friend name Becki," I begin. "She was completely in love with this young solider called Harwin Strong. She would always gush over you and told me how handsome you were. Together we would walk through the training grounds just so that she could point you out to me. She said she would marry you. But then I decided I liked you as well. You started talking to me and I fell in love. Becki got jealous and she slept with Daemon to punish me. So I slept with you and told her all about it. She left court soon after."

"You are the devil," he says with a laugh. "I am married to the world's biggest devil."

"I love you," I say. "I loved you then and I love you now."


"My Princess," a guard says as Harwin and I enter the castle. "Come quick."

I look at Harwin before he takes my hand and pulls me after the guard. We walk into the hall where everyone is gathered.

I instantly see my children, Naerys face is bloody and beaten, Daemos has a bruise blossoming. I run over and crouch before him.

"My boy," I say as I put my hands on his shoulder. "Who did this?"

"He did," Naerys points towards Aemond who's eye has been completely sliced. A hand goes to cover my mouth. What happened? Who sliced this boys eye?

"Naerys-" I say in fear.

"I didn't do it," Naerys says in a way that tells me he's trying to comfort me. "It was Lucerys." Lucerys? He's only a boy. I find Lucerys stood by Rhaenyra. I give her a nod, showing that I am on her side. I look over at Rhaena who is crying in Harwin's arms, he gives me a look. This is bad. This is really bad.

Before I realise what's happening Alicent is charging towards us with a blade.

"An eye for an eye," she says with tears rolling down her face. I remember the girl she was. The girl she used to be. I miss that girl.

I'm instantly standing in front of Lucerys and Jacaerys as Harwin stands in front of our children. Rhaenyra walks towards Alicent.

I don't hear what they are saying. I only see Alicent finally step back, slicing Rhaenyra's wrist.

Lucerys and Jacaerys run towards their mother. Rhaena is instantly in my arms, crying. I pick her up, brushing her hair with my hand.

"It's alright," I say, trying to be comforting. Alicent has lost the plot, i know that. But then i see Aemond's eye. If that happened to any of my children I would also want payment for it. Alicent isn't a bad person. She's only a mother who wants whats best for her children.


Several days later we stand as Rhaenyra and Daemon get married. I won't be naive and say I didn't see this coming. I did. For years I've seen this coming. I've seen the way the two of them looked at eachother.

But I'm not mad. I'm happy that they have found eachother. I hope their marriage is as safe and loving as mine is.

Harwin holds my hand and I look at him with a smile. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

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