Chapter 1

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I slowly rolled out of my bed, rubbing one of my eyes as I stumbled over. It's been hard to keep my balance as of late. I still can't get over the fact that Kyle chose me to hang out with him, out of all of his other friends! I don't have high hopes about it, though. Maybe he just wants me to watch Ike while he sees the new Terrance and Philip movie with Kenny and Cartman. He doesn't need me anymore, but I... Well, I'm not completely sure. I'll just say that I miss him.

"Stan!" My father's voice calls out for me as I walk down the stairs.

"...Yeah, Dad?" I look to him curiously.

"Have you gotten a higher position on the football team yet?" He questions.

"No...," I shake my head and walk out the door with my old backpack. I pour myself a shot and down it before I start walking to Kyle's house.
The air is frigid cold, just as I remembered it. But it's all the same as it always was, nothing around here is special. I hate South Park. I really do hate it, I wish I didn't live here anymore. But I'm not old enough to move out, so I'm stuck in this living hell for a long time. I look in the window of an ice cream shop that I used to go to with my friends.

I take notice of Butters and Kenny sitting in there together with some magazine of sorts. It looks to have colorful animals and some small captions near it. The gleeful blonde peels a sticker off and presses it to Kenny's face, and the two laugh together. I can't make out what the sticker is, my vision is much too blurry. I start walking to where I remember my... My old super best friend's house was.

The nauseating feeling emerges from the pit of my stomach all the way to the back of my throat. My body isn't built to hold this much alcohol, but it's the only thing that makes me happy.

If I'm happy, then it's not hurting me.

I see a toy shop near by, right in the window is a fluffy sheep plush with a green ushanka on it. Everything else, is well... Do I have to say it?
"...Kyle?" I mutter underneath my breath, feeling my eyes glaze over with tears. I enter the shop and take the sheep off of the shelf, looking at it for a moment. I felt an intense urge to hug it tight, so I did. I practically buried my face in the sheep plush, to which becomes wet with pathetic tears.

"Hello! Are you lost? What's going on?" A woman wearing a uniform with the toy shop's name on the back of her shirt kneels beside me.

"Can... Can I have the sheep?" I question, not wanting to let go of it. It has a certain warmth that brings comfort to me. Comfort that reminds me of Kyle...

"Do you have money?" She questions.

I hate the adults here. They obviously don't care about our feelings. I could be bleeding out on the ground and she still wouldn't let me have the sheep unless I gave her money.

"Take it...," I throw a ten dollar bill at her before I barge out of the toy store and continue walking to Kyle's house while sniffling.

I haven't cried in a long time, so I don't know why hugging the sheep made me cry. I'm much too old for stuffed animals, I shouldn't even like it in the first place. Maybe because it...

"I'm sorry, Kyle!" I cried out while sniffing.

"I'm sorry too, Stan!" He is crying as well, holding his arms out for me to join him in a warm embrace.

I look like a mess. My jacket is sloppily buttoned, my knitted hat is practically falling off the side of my head. As for my face... I haven't seen it in so long. I don't really know what it looks like, other than bloodshot blue eyes and frazzled black hair.

"Stan are... Stan are you alright? You wreak of alcohol!" Kyle grabs my free hand and pulls me into his house.

Warm, soft and delicate hands... They're almost enough to make me cry, yet again. But I don't want to cry in front of the redhead because that'd be embarrassing.

He sits me down next to his fireplace while looking to the sheep plush that I'm holding in my other hand.

"...Stan, what is this? Its hat looks almost exactly like mine," His green... No, beautiful emerald green eyes stare right at the sheep that I dragged all the way with me over here.

"I bought it for you," I mutter, unable to find the words that I wish to tell him at the moment.

"...Oh. Well thank you, Stan," He forms a small smile, setting it down on a rocking chair before turning his eyes back to mine.

I feel something coming up in the back of my throat. I start to gag a little, holding on my stomach.

"...Stan!" Without hesitation, Kyle quickly runs me over to his bathroom and watches as I throw about everything I had drank last night and this morning up.

It burns my throat, and it hurts my stomach. I have gotten sore from throwing up so often that my stomach muscles are almost always aching.

"What the hell has gotten into you, dude? You're drunk...!" He stares at me in horror, and then I remember.

Kyle and I haven't seen each other in a long, long time. He doesn't know how much I have fallen apart without him.

"Ugh...," I groan after I finish throwing up, flushing the toilet and go to wash my hands. The redhead opens a new toothbrush for me and allows for me to brush my teeth with it. My breath smells a little less of all of that crap that I have been drinking.

"...Stan, I'm going to give you one of my swimsuits. You're going to take a bath, and I'm going to watch you the entire time. I'm going to fix you, Stan. I'm going to!" Kyle seems close to tears as he pulls me in for a heartfelt hug.

You Wouldn't Understand [Stan and Kyle]Where stories live. Discover now