
741 14 1

-Happy birthday keps!

-Thanks Amy !

He was at the front door of Amy's house .

He had just seen the groups for the uwcl. He knew she wouldn't be happy.

-How are you ? I saw the groups ...

-What do you want me to say, Chelsea, Madrid, PSG, and that other team I don't remember it's name .

-Look at the brigth side maitasuna  (supposed to mean love in euskera but Google translate isn't trustworthy)

-What's the beigth side? And what did you just called me ?

-Some thing in euskera i'm not going to translate to you.

-I'm not in the mood for jokes, I have to face my friends, Nea and Esther are pretty good, and nea and caroline are doing a pretty good job ( Nea is short for Athenea del castillo)

-Let me raise your mood, I'll take you to dinner

-As in a date ?

-If you want to

-Okay, it's a date, but I'll pay, it's your birthday.

-Great, I know a great spanish tapas bar  not far from here .

-Let me grab my coat and I'll be rigth back .

They go to the restaurant .

-Hola, mesa para dos .-Kepa says

-Sorry, I don't speak spanish

You're in a spanish restaurant, as least understand some basic words .

-Table for two please .

-Okay sir, your table will be ready in a minute .

-Te puedes creer que no hable español en un restaurante español ?-  Kepa says to Amy (Can you believe he doesn't speak spanish in a spanish restaurant?)

-Kepaaa, happy birthday my man

-Oh hi kai, what are you doing here ?

-You saud these restaurant was a decent spanish one, and Sophia wanted to try it .

-Oh Sophia, didn't see you, let me introduce you to Amy .

-Hi kai, it's a pleasure finally meeting you in person !

-Sorry I don't think I have seen you before

-We haven't seen each other, we just talked, I'm supposed to be your bestie kai, I'm hurt, really hurt .


-Yeah, I think kepa have mentioned before, rigth ? - she ask to Sophia .

-I think he has, who did you 3 meet ?

-I was added in to the chelsea gc by mistake, and I meet the guys, only kepa and now kai know me in real life .

-It was Mason, wasn't he ?

-Yeah it was, do you want to dinner with us ? If they don't mind of course .


-You can teach us real spanish tapas !

-You are going to love fabada !

-That's not a tapa

-I know keps, but i really need a fabada

Time skip

-Guess our date became a doble date

-I guess I will have to take you on one

-Yeah sure, I'm going to bed, sleep where you want

-Okay good nigth.

When Amy was about to sleep she felt a presence  let himself into her bed, and hugging her by the back.

-You said anywhere I wanted, I want here, good nigth Amy

-Nigth keps

Happy b-day to kepa!!!

Sorry for not writting in so long .

I feel like this chapter is shit but idc rn I just want to sleep, its 1 am


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