Chap 13. The longest fight.

Start from the beginning

Donnie:"okay, idea's, people. My eyes need Extreme skateboarding asap."

Leo:"maybe next time, let's not put the WiFi in a high traffic crash zone."

Raph:"WiFi! That's it. I know what to do. "Raph grabs all of your heads. Leo and Donnie look annoyed while Mikey looks intrigued. You are getting tired. I mean without Sydney why are you even awake?

Donnie:"Gilbert's department store after hours- an idea par excellence, Raphael."

You sighed and leaned you head on Donnie's shoulder. Bro was tired. Nah wait. Bro is tired.

Raph:"I was due."

Donnie:"and thanks to April's job here last year, we have the WiFi password." He clicked the one button. "One."

"We'll be right back with more skateboarding! Brought to you by Ice tray brand trays for ice."

All your brothers cheered while you sighed.

[Name]:"I hate ice tray commercials. They aren't selling you anything new why do they act like they are?"

Mikey:"I love you guys, and watching this with all of you is my favorite brother bonding day of the year!"

Mikey tackles you and Donnie in a hug and everyone joins in.

You all are spread out across the room. Your brothers are each in different tables and you are laying on the floor looking up at your screen. Yes the floor is filthy but you live in a sewer so-

Crowd on show:"Sydney! Sydney! Sydney!"

Something crashes.

Raph:"did you guys hear that? "

Leo:"you mean that loud bang? No."

Raph:"is anyone gonna check it out?"

D:"and miss skateboarding? Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling us he's our leader."

[Name]:"Ooh! Burn! *Quiet laugh*"

Raph:"fine. I'll go."

Raph goes up an escalator while his eyes are glued to the screen. Raph crashes into a mannequin.

Anyways foot feds are back in townnnn.

"Did you hear that?"

"You mean that loud thud of a mannequin falling over? No."

"Well are you going to check it out?"

"Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling the other guy he's boss, but it's clear that the other guy should be the boss and that creates a lot of workplace tension. Fine I'll go."

"Hello??? Mr.Security guard? I am a local school child locked in here after hours.  Can you help me find my sensei- I mean, my mommy-san?"

He found a mannequin head and tossed it away. Raph was pretending to be a mannequin and it probably only worked because the guy is an idiot.

Raph:"that foot face guy? What's he doing here?"

"It was just a mannequin. Who could have seen that coming? Oh, right. Me."

Raph snuck around watching them. And you were with your brothers getting tired of so many fucking ice commercials. So you, fell asleep. Are you really surprised tho?

"Enough buffoonery. Get back to work."

He pulled out a small blowtorch and started to break into the room. It seems like the are going after a ring..

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now