Chapter 1 - Alone

Start from the beginning

"I don't know if I'm ready to cut them out of my life forever."

"It won't be forever," I promise immediately. I don't point out that she doesn't have to follow me in this, because it's a given. We go together, and I feel so alone right now. I couldn't refuse the presence of someone I know needs the same help I do.

"And... you met Ventress in the underworld, right?"

"What?!" I yelp. She can't be serious. "You think we should go to her for help?!"

Alema leans back, a faint smirk playing on her lips. "Really, what's the worst that could happen?"

"What's the worst thing that could happen if we walked up to a Sith's door and said, 'can we please sleep here for the night?'!? She'd kill us!"

"She could try, but do you really think she'd succeed?" the Twi'lek asks smugly.

"I don't know, maybe?!"

"She doesn't have her lightsabers anymore," Alema reminds me. "We're perfectly safe. We can help her with something, get some money, and... leave the planet. If we're not staying here, I suppose we could try going home."

"Home?" I repeat. "We don't have a home!"

"You're from Shili," she replies, "And I'm from Ryloth. I know I still have a family there, even if I barely remember them."

"I don't remember mine," I admit. I have a few vague images, really. Nothing I could put a name to. I don't want to go back there. I want to find something new. If I belonged there, I wouldn't have become a Jedi in the first place. I don't know where we're going to go, but I do trust the Force. I know wherever we go, the path we take will lead us to where we were meant to go. It's only a question of finding it.

"We can figure it out after we find a way off the planet," Alema advises finally.

"If we're heading to her... home on foot, we better get going," I advise, standing up. It's after sunset, so we won't be reaching there until long after dark. Hopefully she won't try to kill us on first sight.


It's some hours later when we reach the level in the underworld where Aniya and I were... was it only yesterday? It feels like an eternity ago already. I force the thought from mind. This is happening a lot, and I suspect it'll only be happening more over the coming months.

"I'm beginning to think this is a very bad idea," I mumble under my breath as we stand outside the door of Ventress' home.

"We can leave if you want," Alema offers, "But I –"

Right on cue the door swings open and Ventress appears in the doorway, regarding us with narrowed eyes. "What are you doing here?" she drawls, "Or did the Jedi send a couple mere padawans to try and arrest me?"

"No!" I hastily assure her, "We're... we need your help." I cringe internally at the admission, because we're talking to a former enemy here, even if she did help us only yesterday. I don't trust her, and I still think this is very, very stupid.

She raises an eyebrow, resting her hands on her hips. "Got another bounty on you already?"

I suppress a flare of anger at the words. I really don't need to have that rubbed in my face right now. The last time I was out here, it was with Aniya and –

Stop thinking about her.

Alema takes a step forward. "We left the Order," she explains.

"And we... could use somewhere to stay for the night," I finish finally, because that's the easiest explanation without letting her know how lost we are right now.

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