Chapter 25

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We arrive at the orphanage, and I already have a bad feeling about this. A young lady greets us at the door and leads us to a large playroom.

"This is all our younger ones. If you are looking for older ones, they will be at the stables, but most come through eventually. Wards are set to prevent all types of dangerous magic and will not allow you to leave the property with a child without proper clearance. We ask you not give the children anything unless you plan to take them home so as to not build bonds. Your backgrounds have all passed so I will leave you to walk around. Oh, also the second floor and up are off limits. Even children deserve privacy. If you find a child you wish to have more information on, please ask an elf to retrieve one of us and we will be happy to help." She explains before walking away.

"Harriet set us up." I groan.

"She isn't forcing you to get a child, just giving you the option. Sirius you have lived for Harriet since she was a baby, but she is growing up. It wouldn't hurt if you and Remus started a family." Regulus says. I hated when he was right.

"Let's go look at the babies before moving onto the older kids. I want another little one, but I think we will know when we meet them." Barty says. I grab Remus's hand and walk along with them as they look at the babies. I watch as they play with them but find no need in messing with babies. If it hadn't been for the elves and them, I wouldn't have gotten Harriet to 2 years old. As they begin playing with a little girl no older than 3, I decide to wonder off.

Remus and I wonder outside and see older children running around. Some come up to us, but I feel nothing like I did when I first held Harriet. If I was to even consider it, the child would have to pull at me just as she had and still does. It was like I always knew she was meant to be with me.

We make it to the stables, and I freeze when I see a little boy sitting near a stall. Remus nudges me to go to him and I release his hand walking over to the boy.

"Hey what are you doing?" I ask. The boy jumps and I see the look of fear flash in his eyes.

"Um nothing, sorry sir, I did not mean to be in the way." He says shuffling away.

"No, you weren't in the way, and I am sorry about startling you. My name is Sirius Black, and this is my husband Remus. I was just curious what you were doing." I say bending down to his level. I still remember how at his age I hated adults standing over me. Remus bends down next to me and gives me an encouraging nod.

"My favorite Abraxan passed last night." He whispers as if he worried we would criticize him for such a thing.

"I'm sorry, I never had a pet growing up. My mother hated all types of animals." I find myself admitting.

"Mine did too."

"Looks like we have that in common. My dad wasn't a fan of animals." Remus says and I reach over squeezing his hand. I hated his dad for what he put him through.

"If you could have any pet, what would it be?" I ask attempting to lighten the mood.

"An Abraxan, when on them I feel so free, but I would settle for a dog." He smiles before seeming to realize and shrinking back.

"I've never been on an Abraxan, but I love dogs. Can I tell you a secret?" I ask whispering. He nods and I smile. "I am an animagus and my animal is a dog."

"That is so cool." He says getting excited again.

"Thanks, I think so." I smile.

"He is really fluffy." Remus chuckles as he sits on the ground. I roll my eyes and take a seat beside him as we listen to the boy explain how to ride an abraxan.

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