Chapter 9

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We finally get our letters and decide to go shopping with Luna, who would be meeting us there. We arrive at Diagon Alley and instantly see the Weasley clan.

"Releasing those foul things back into society. They should of all been kissed." Molly says loudly.

"I hope ignorance isn't contagious." Harriet fires back and I can't stop myself from laughing.

"Harriet, you are above such things. If they wish to remain ignorant to proof, there is no hope for them." Great grandfather says and I just laugh harder.

"Come on, before you start a blood war." I tell her.

"Oh, I would like to see that." Harriet laughs and the adults just shake their heads.

"May we go look at brooms?" I ask trying to regain my composure.

"After we collect your books." Uncle Sirius says. I sigh but nod as we are led away from the Weasleys. Harriet and I take off in the bookstore, wanting to pick up a few new books for our collection.

"Harriet, Leo, good to see you again. This is my father." Luna says walking up to us.

"Hello Mr. Lovegood. I love the quibbler." Harriet says smiling.

"Thank you, Ms. Potter, I have heard quite a bit about you both from my Luna." He says smiling.

"We couldn't ask for a better friend." I tell him. Luna had grown on me, and I now saw her as a little sister. Luna is allowed to walk around with us as we talk about our summer.

"I am glad the truth is out. It helps bring balance." Luna says when we talk about the trials. Her father hadn't let her come watch them with us.

"Hey Harriet." Someone calls out and I turn to see Jasper standing there.

"Hey Jasper." Harriet smiles.

"I just wanted to say thanks." He says looking down.

"I am glad you have him back, if you don't mind how is he?"

"They said he should be able to be released by Yule. Uncle Rod hopefully a few months after." He says smiling.

"Glad to hear it." I say.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks."

"No need for thanks, would you like to look at books with us?" Harriet asks. I was glad he had his father back, but I didn't like the idea of another guy around her.

"Sorry but my mother is in the other isle. Not everyone is completely happy with the verdicts, and she worries."

"Oh, I understand that. I think if uncle Pads could find a way to send guards to Hogwarts he would." Harriet laughs. She wasn't even lying. Uncle Sirius had gotten far more protective after we received death threats on helping death eaters escape. Jasper leaves after saying he will see us at Hogwarts, and we continue our shopping.

When we make our way back to the adults, we see Mr. Lovegood waiting with them.

"We saw Rabastan's son." Father Regulus says.

"Yeah, he came over and said thanks. He said Rabastan should be released by Yule and Rodolphus a few months after." I explain.

"I'm glad." Father Barty says.

We continue our shopping with either people thanking us for helping their family get justice or sneers at helping criminals escape. By the time we arrive home I am so over it.

"Your next proposal better not bring this much attention." I groan looking at Harriet.

"Ah but where is the fun in that." She laughs.

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