Chapter 30

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This time when the door opens, I am sitting on the bed. The gods repairing my body. When Voldemort walks in I hold his gaze.

"You look far better than the last time I saw you. I want to show you what you were taken from." He says and I stand.

"Lead the way." I say hating how cold my voice is, but it was needed. He smiles and steps out of the room motioning me to follow.

We walk through the manor, and I realize this is going to be harder than I thought. To see it all over again was grating on me. Voldemort goes on how he is doing what is best. How he is only trying to better our world and it takes everything in me to keep me from rolling my eyes. I see a few death eaters sneer at me, but I ignore them. Even without my wand I didn't fear them. Once I am finished with my tour, he leads me into his office.

"Now my son I will ask you a final time. Join me and rule beside me."

"I will not bow to anyone else. If they step to me, I won't hold back." I tell him.

"If they are stupid enough to think they can attack my son then I have no need for them." He assures.

"Also, if Harriet is captured, I speak to her first. I will kill someone for hurting her. I can convince her to switch sides. Like you said she is powerful and would be beneficial to your movement." I couldn't watch her be tortured, no matter what the gods said.

"I will accept that but if she refused to bow, I cannot allow her to live. Power does me no good if it is fighting against me."

"Acceptable." I knew if she was captured, I could convince her to do what was needed to end this. If they hurt her, I would burn the world down and drag out their deaths. His magic would have nothing on my fury.

"Then bow and accept your mark." He says standing. I grit my teeth as I bow and hold out my arm. All that I can think of as the mark is burned into my skin is my future with Harriet. Let the games begin.


I watch as Harriet works herself to the bone. It feels like she is rarely home anymore and while I had to believe she was being safe I knew the risks of war. I walk into my bedroom after putting Rigel to bed and see Remus lying in bed reading a book.

"You look stressed." He says, not looking up from his book.

"Just worried, part of me feels like James would be disappointed I am letting her do this. I always vowed to protect her, but I can't protect her from this." I sigh. It had been bothering me since his return. How did I protect her if the gods themselves said she had to do this. He looks at me for a moment before closing his book and opening his arms. I relax as I lean against him, and he wraps his arms around me.

"I think James would be proud of how you raised her and the girl she became. James and Lily would have done anything to help those who needed it and Harriet is doing the same. I truly believe they are looking down and cheering her on. You did good Sirius, don't ever forget that." He says and I give him a small smile. It hit different when he said I did a good job with her. He knew James and Lily, if anyone knew what they would say, it would be him.


The days seem to blur together as I keep searching for any signs of Leo. I knew he was still alive but there was no sign of him. Even the death eaters who were captured had no knowledge of him. I knew I needed someone closer to Voldemort to give me the information, but it was getting harder to capture them.

As winter break drawls near I am losing faith in finding him. The nagging voice that says it has been too long and my Leo was gone was just getting louder. I knew he was alive due to the tapestry, but I didn't know if I was still dealing with my Leo or Nathair. Voldemort could be persuasive, and I didn't know what he would do to sink his claws into him. I wanted to believe he would come back to me as my Leo but there was no guarantee.

I lay in bed, tears running down my cheeks. I refused to break in front of anyone, but I couldn't hold onto my mask when I was alone. Suddenly the door opens and Rigel walks in. I quickly wipe my eyes, so he won't notice.

"Are you ok?" He asks, stopping at the door.

"I'm fine." I attempt to assure.

"You know I know Leo isn't normal, I know you're not normal either. Do you want to know why my old parents hated me?" He asks and I sit there shocked he just said that.

"Sure buddy." I say, still trying to recover. He comes over and sits on my bed.

"I started seeing things when I was little. At first, they thought it was my imagination but some of the things I said came true. They thought I was a freak and that I should hide it but sometimes I thought it was better to tell them. They hated it, then it turned to them asking me specific questions. They used to hurt me if I didn't see anything. I eventually stopped talking about it. I hoped if they thought it went away, they would stop hurting me. When I went to the orphanage, I was told I would be ok, that people would come who would love me, but I didn't believe I was loveable. Now I have two amazing dads and the best sister in the world. I don't want you to treat me like a freak. I had promised myself I wouldn't say anything about it so you all thought I was normal, but I can't ignore the voices. They tell me Leo is ok. He has no more nightmares. That no matter what he is doing now, he loves you and will come back to us. That he is just doing what the voices asked him to do and for you not to judge him for it." He says and I cover my mouth as a sob leaves me.

"Rigel, I love you so much and couldn't ask for a better little brother. You have a very special gift and you're right, me and Leo aren't normal. I know what it feels like to be called a freak and feel like no one can understand you. I promise you are no freak. No one in our family would ever call you that. There are others who can hear those voices. We can find you someone to help just like I found my mentor in elemental magic. Thank you for telling me about Leo. I really needed to hear that and I'm going to bring him home." I say attempting to stop the tears. No child deserved to be called a freak and I refuse to ever let him feel like that again. While male seers were extremely rare, they did happen.

"Do you mind if I stay in here?" He asks, looking down at his hands.

"Yeah buddy, you are always welcome to come sleep with me if you need to." I say gently placing my hand on his. I couldn't imagine what he had been going through all alone but no more. He would get the guidance he needed. I would find Leo and end this just to make sure that he had the life he deserved.

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