11 - The Beach Party

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Delilah's POV

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Delilah's POV

"Is Joseph driving you?" Helen asked as I was chilling in their cool firehouse house. Mia was trying to figure out what to wear where I was bored out of my mind. Finn and I hung out for a while until I had Joe drop me off at Mia and Helen's so I could help her get ready.

"No. Joseph was nice enough to take the night off. I'm gonna take the school bus with the other kids." she spoke from her closet, but she came out in some weird green dress. She was taking a bus, but I was having Finn pick me up and we would take his car to the place. I rather not be around all those kids so close to me. But first I had Joe picking me up from Mia's.

"You look like an asparagus." I spoke as I started to play with Fat Louie who meowed in my face and played with the necklace Finnegan just recently gave me. Think of it like a promise ring, a rather long slightly albeit expensive promise ring that hung from my neck.

"But a very, very cute asparagus." Helen added as Mia groaned in annoyance. I then didn't pay attention until Helen caught her attention.

"Oh! Who from?" She asked her daughter as I knew she was talking about Josh Bryant.

"That Backstreet Boy clone you've had a crush on forever?" Her mom said as I got annoyed that he was the reason my sister was smiling like a love struck idiot.

"Ugh, no no no no, why are you even going with him, he is nothing good" I spoke but she looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"Shush, we all can't get a prince" she spoke towards Helen and I, and Helen looked at me with a happy smile.

"You got a prince, who?" she asked as I laughed. My phone dinged and it was Joe picking me up. I got up, giving Fat Louie one more scratch and grabbed my things.

"I gotta go but I will see you at this lame thing and it's my childhood best friend, Prince Finnegan Burke of Ireland" I said as they both bided me goodbye, and I walked outside as I made my way back to the school as I promised Lily that I would be on her show.

I was on it for a while and answered her questions and then she bid me goodbye, saying that she was saving the last part for Mia, as to her no offense but Mia was to be the next ruler of Genovia, not me. But she asked many questions about my rank and what I do, as well as my charities that I partake in, and how Carolina is doing.


"So princess-" I cut her off.

"Lily it's me, just Delilah" I spoke as she smiled. She then started to ask questions like what my interests and what organizations I are afflicted with.

"Well, I'm a part of the International Equestrian Club, ASPCA, Save the Whales, Save the Children-" "I'm sorry to interrupt but on the Save the Children I am aware you are taking care of a child from Genovia's orphanage. Carolina, how is she?" Lily asked as I smiled not at all upset that she interrupted me.

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