Spark on a Powder Keg

Start from the beginning

Their course of action was risky, but Bakugo was perceptive. And now that Todoroki was onto them as well, anything unusual would definitely be noted. The two souls had already revealed their ability to break through mental manipulation quirks on public TV, so anything extra would be seriously endangering for all of them. Fortunately for the duo, Aizawa knew the truth and was helping them. Izuku watched as Ochako made Bakugo create debris, and floated them above the blond's view. It was a brilliant idea if it worked, and still that even if it didn't. Ochako took the impacts of many explosions, sometimes directly, but didn't scream or give any sign of pain. Heroes in the crowd started to jeer Bakguo for his behavior, but Aizawa defended it, "Who said that? Whichever hero said that needs to hang up their cape. Bakugo is doing this because Ochako Uraraka is a capable opponent. That is why he is taking this, and her, completely seriously." She just had to not give him any tells this was happening. He didn't say anything to her, so as to not jeopardize anything. However, when she was confident in her attack, she said the catchphrase, touching her fingertips together. "Release."

That made him look up, shocked, and he quickly tried to take the debris out, but much of it still went through, pelting him with rocks. However, that didn't take him down... it only made him more mad.

"You... you bitch!"

Aizawa watched this particular part of the fight with interest. It was clear Ochako had created this plan, executed it herself, all without Izuku's help. Now, though, it didn't work. Bakugo's anger, his wrath was only greater, while the duo souls had used all of that plan. He would watch carefully. Bakugo was on the brink of being kicked out of UA for this. He had very little room for change.

Since her attack was a setup/knockout combination, she had no backup in store. This was a really bad position. He blasted her midsection, launching her back.

Let me take over!

No, it's my fight!

Izuku didn't respond back, but he could see her faltering. Only when she was about to collapse, did he take over. And he didn't quite realize the effect this would have.

Bakugo watched as she seemed to struggle to get up... and then a new presence seemed to take her over, and she started to rise again. It was a slow, fluid motion. For some reason, he knew that if she got up, that it would be a much harder fight, so he immediately blasted over, and was about to use his quirk against her when he was knocked back by something he didn't see. The arena was silent. The world was silent as Bakugo got back to his feet and looked up...

...and before him stood an angel.

What the fuck is going on?! It was all Bakugo could think. His classmate, one with a zero gravity quirk, just had fucking wings sprout from her back. Her eyes turned green, her skin paler, and she had a new determination. It was then that she moved, subconsciously using her new wings to fly at him. It was only when he was grabbed did his mind shift into fight mode. He knocked her away, and assessed the situation. She now had reach with her new wings. She had more mobility, possibly on par with his own. She's going all out. He couldn't help but smile at that, gleeful at the chance to take down a powerful opponent. He launched himself forward, and found her leaping above before he could react.

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