"Ah-em." I heard behind me.

I quickly turned around as Ducard swung his sword down at me vertically. I went wide-eyed, and I jumped back, dodging his attack. I stomped on the ground, and ice spikes erupted from the ground toward Ducards chest. Ducard waved his hand, sending out a blast of aether that destroyed the ice spikes.

I covered Despair in fire magic as I lifted Despair above my head. I swung Despair down vertically, sending forth a tsunami of fire. I grew surprised at the amount of fire and heat, as I didn't use that much mana.

"This is the power of your mana amplified with aether," Ducard said as he appeared a few feet to my side, gesturing to the fire.

"Now, use your abilities to defeat me!" Ducard yelled as he got into a fighting stance.

I narrowed my eyes in determination and burst stepped towards Ducard, as I coated Despair in lightning magic. I thrust Despair forward towards Ducards chest, and he god stepped out of the way and appeared next to me. I went wide-eyed as Ducard created an aether spear that he thrust toward my side. I god stepped out of the way, appearing behind Ducard. Ducard then god stepped away, appearing a few feet in front of me.

Ducard waved his hand as he shot out a pulse of aether towards me. I stomped on the ground, creating an ice wall between us. I smirked as Ducard lost sight of me, and I god stepped behind where I last saw him. However, when I appeared, Ducard was gone again.

"You have to come up with better tricks than appearing behind me," Ducard called out.

I looked to my left and saw him standing there facing me, with two aether blades in his hands.

"You have to come up with better tricks than Running away!" I yelled in frustration.

'Taunting. It worked out well last time, so why not try it again. Brilliant strategy; let's see how it works out,' Regis said mentally in a sarcastic tone.

"Very well," Ducard said.

Suddenly fifty aether blades appeared above Ducard, aimed at me. I went wide-eyed, with my eyes darting between the blades.

'It seems to have worked out well!' Regis snickered mentally.

'Yes, keep talking, Regis. It's not at all annoying!' I snapped mentally.

Ducard waved his right sword hand, and the swords shot at me all at once. I swung despair in a downward vertical slash, sending forth a tempest of wind.

The wind collided with the aether blades, breaking them apart. I watched the aether blades while continuing my tempest attack when I suddenly felt something coil around my throat.

"Ggwaa!" I choked out as I was suddenly pulled back by my neck.

I was rapidly swung around in a circle about five times by my neck before being lifted into the air and slammed into the icy floor.

I took in a sharp breath coughing violently, as I was able to breathe again. I rolled to my side and looked up, seeing Ducard had an aether lasso tied to my throat. I gritted my teeth and god stepped out of the lasso and pulled out Despair.

I looked back to Ducard, who was just staring at me intently. "Do not get focussed on one attack. You left yourself open," Ducard scolded.

I spat on the ground and started at him, "Thanks for the advice."

I prepared myself to burst forward when my eyes flicked to Regis, who was standing a few feet behind Ducard.

'Regis, attack!' I yelled mentally.

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