Chapter 33

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Aj walks inside the house and hands me back the key as she walks over to her mom. "You both are mature adults so act like one and go inside your room and talk it out like grown adults" Her mother said as she pointed to her room.

She walked over to her bedroom and opened the door, he followed behind her closing the door as he walked inside.

"Good job Joelle for sticking up for yourself and I told you whenever they get out of hand you have permission to get Roudy with them." Grandma gave me and Jackson a high five.

30 to 45 minutes later they walk out of the bedroom, and she stood in the kitchen, he leaned on the door frame.

"Well what the fuck happened?" Her mom asked and no one responded, then her mom looked at Grandma and she shrugged her shoulders.

"So we just going to pretend that both of your mothers isn't here?" I questioned and Jackson shrugged his shoulders.

"Well Joelle you have us on speed dial if anything goes wrong call us" Grandma and her mother walk out of the house and Jackson closes the door behind them.

Dad grabs Aj by the waist and pulls her close to his body, they both locks eyes and eventually kissed.

"Now who is going to apologize first?" I asked and Aj apologized to dad and he apologized back. I walked upstairs with Kylie and Jackson to our room and closed the door.

(Aj's Pov)

I wrap my arms around his neck and rested my head in his shoulder. "I love you Aj...I really do" He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you too Ro...I was being a dick about your ex girlfriend-" He cut me off "Don't worry about it"

"I was thinking that we could go out to eat for a date night tomorrow" I commented as I walked into the room and laid down on the bed.

"Well if that's what you want we can do that" He assented as he was washing his face and came out with sweatpants and no shirt on.

He smiled at me in the mirror and I smiled back at him, he turned the light off in the bathroom and I patted on the bed for him to come lay beside and he came.

He grabbed a hold of my waist as I turned off the lights and pulled the cover over us and we went to sleep for that.

I woke up at 6 o'clock to get ready because I have to visit two of my jobs today so I just put on a long sun dress to wear so I can come back and change.

I get to work and I have two meetings, one at this job and another at the other job, I am just doing some small paperwork before the meetings start cause I don't want corporate coming in here telling me that I'm not doing my job properly.

"Aj...come on it is time for our meetings, do you want corporate on your ass?" My receptionist yelled at me and I chuckled for a bit as I got up and walked into the conference room.

"Welcome to Tuesday's Meeting like I always say, sorry that I'm not in actually uniform, I am wearing this for reasons you men don't need to know because the women already know anyways I want to talk about your participation and group input that you guys input"

"Bill's one in your group is doing shit, I'm disappointed because Corporate can literally buss in that door and tell me that I'm not doing my damn job, Avery's group you aren't doing anything we only have 3 groups working and busting their asses off for their paycheck when you aren't doing anything but gossiping about the next hot guy walking in and who is the whore in this place and I heard you bring up my name, wanna spill some tea?" I asked and they shook their heads no.

" fix your clothes cause that is not how we dress unless I tell you that is lazy day or wear whatever you want and you calling me a whore when you dress like one." I commented as someones was knocking on the door.

It was Roman at the door, Bill dumbass opened the damn door and let him in and in the corner of my eye Avery and her damn friends do the same shit everyone else does to get attention.

I threw a pen at her and she looked at me instantly "Hi baby....what are you doing here?" I asked as Avery and her friends stood on the table.

"Avery sit your ass down, that man does not want you nor your damn friends....actually I want you to tell them Roman what do you find attractive about her and her friend group? My receptionist Jasmine commented.

"What I find attractive? No of them, not your looks or personality cause what I just seen so far when Aj threw a pen so I knew what type of person you guys are and plus you dress like a whore you want me to schedule at 7?"

I threw another pen at Avery and she stood and tried to punch me, I kicked her in the leg and pushed her back to her chair. "Yeah we can go at 7, I'm wearing this by the way if you don't have a problem"

He shook his head no and walked out of the door "You guys just embarrassed your damn selves not me, he pointed out the obvious so don't blame Aj cause you guys called her a whore" Jasmine acknowledge.

Corporate walked in and I leaned on the wall, I recognized one of them and that woman walked up towards. "Aj....can you tell me what happened so far?"

"Genesis what happened, I was having a meeting until I addressed the fact two of our groups aren't working especially Avery's group cause they gossip, spill tea and try to sleep with the next hot guy walking in to work here, she called me a whore and my boyfriend walked in and I had to talk to him"

"Jasmine and guys are dismissed" Genesis said as we got up and walked out of the door. 

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