Chapter 15

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"What happened?"

"The bitch cut my arm"

"Oh my God"

"Guys I am fine, I am gonna let it heal"

"Why didn't you go with her?"

"I didn't want anyone or you to get involved with my ex so no, he was perfectly fine where he was"

"Trust me I didn't want you to go"

I get out of the ring and walk to my locker room, and try to put some alcohol rub on it and that shit burns.


"Aj what the hell you doing?"

"Putting Alcohol rub on it"

"No silly you wrap it up"

He grabs the bandages and wrap it around my arm and placed tape on it so it would stay.

He then kissed it "There, feel any better?"

"A little thanks tho"!

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah sure"

We walked in the car and got in, Roman was driving this time so my arm can heal.

He then took my keys and unlocked the door. The kids and Imara was sleeping on the couch with blankets on them.

We walked upstairs and I took a shower and he laid down on the bed, taking his shirt off.

I walked out the bathroom with changed clothes and I took his shirt and my clothes downstairs to the washer and let them get washed.

I got under the blankets and was knocked out by the time his ass get out the bathroom.

He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around before falling asleep as well.

The next morning, I wake up to blood all over the sheets from my bandage.

"Roman get up, I gotta change the sheets"

"The blood spilled"

"Oh wow"

He got out of bed and grabbed the bandages and took the old bandages off and threw them in the trash.

"That is why you don't put alcohol rub on it"

He placed the new bandages on and grabbed the sheets. I put the sheets on the bed and changed clothes.

They woke and Imara was in the kitchen, I walked downstairs and kids were watching tv.

"What the hell happened to your arm?"

"My ex cut it, he threatened my family and went a beat his ass"

"Aww I hope it heals"


"I am pressing charges"

"No don't do that"

"Why are you protecting him?"

"He probably didn't mean to do it on purpose"

"Ever guy would've done if they were threatening your family"

"Aj, why are you protecting him"

"I don't think he did it on purpose"

"Omg stop arguing"

"I am leaving"

I grab my keys to my jeep and open the front door and slam it behind me, I get in the car and Roman followed me but I drove off.

I was so upset and I was just driving around the neighborhood and then she went to Starbucks to get a snack.

My phone was buzzing off and it was Roman and Joelle texting me back to back, they expect me to answer after what just happened.

Imara called me after they stop blowing up phone, I was still driving and I answered.... I placed the phone on the dash board.


"Aj where are you?"

"Why so you can chase me down, no thanks"

"Aj, I tried talking to you what do you expect me to do, I am going to find you"

"Good luck with that"

I hung up the phone and parked in a parking lot of a park, I rolled down my windows a little bit and put my seat back. I turned the car off and went to sleep because I was so tired.

The Next Morning, I woke up... Roman's car was literally outside mine. I got out of the car and walked to the bench at the park.

"Aj, what the hell were you thinking?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Aj, I am your boyfriend... did you expect me to stay home and not look for you"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Baby, talk to me... why are you protecting him"

"I don't think he did it on purpose"

"He cut you and threaten your family and you don't want to press charges"

"Fine I will press charges, happy?"

I get up off the bench and walked to my car, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, he looked at me and then whispered something in my ear, before kissing me and letting me go.

I got into my car and drove back to the house, I unlocked the front door and walked in and into my bedroom and laid down on the bed.

I took a shower and change clothes, I sat down on the bed and started thinking to my self and then a few minutes later, someone is knocking on the door.

"Aj? It's Joelle can I come in?"

"Yeah sure"

I opened the door and she walked in, she sat down beside me and put her arm around me and put her head on my shoulder.

"He loves you"

"And I love him too but I didn't think my ex meant to do that on purpose"

"That's okay to think something opposite from someone else but can we leave this behind us and focus on something else?"

"Yeah sure"

Roman walks in and grabs both of my hands and pulls me off the bed to hug him, I hug him tightly as I whispered in his ear, I am sorry.

"Just don't do that again, please?


2 months later, my arm healed and I am back and better than ever at work, I pressed charges on my ex cause Roman wanted me to do it so bad, and Imara went back with her boyfriend, which is my brother.

"Hey Aj, how you been?" Stephanie asking as she was walking into the gorilla.

"I been alright, my arm healed and I been working on it and on my body." I told her as I got up and hugged her.

"I seen that, you been posting on instagram about it"


"Hey Aj!" Roman saying excitedly as he was walking in the gorilla to hug me.

"Hey, What's up Roman?"

"That reminds me, Aj... have you two been seeing each other on the down low?"

Damn it, she knows... I am going to tell her and I hope... I really HOPE that she doesn't tell anyone else about me and Roman dating even though we started off not so good but please don't tell anyone else.

I whispered in Roman's ear before sighing and grabbing her to tell her outside so the camera crew doesn't here us.

"Yes, we been dating on the down low and don't tell anyone else"

"Aj, I been your friend for a while what makes you think I am going to tell that?"

"Okay just don't tell anyone."

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