Magic's Chosen

94 3 0

2nd September 1990
Ravenclaw common room

"Ravenclaws wake up! Breakfast time!" sounded the raspy voice of Tulip Karasu, yanking Castiel from his sleep.

Castiel groaned at how his dream about...something was interrupted. It took every fibre of his being to prevent getting him from angry, he really didn't want to blow Hogwarts away. "Happy thoughts, Castiel, happy thoughts," Castiel repeatedly whispered to himself as he got ready to head down to breakfast.

Castiel made his way down to the common room where he met with Marietta and Cho, who looked absolutely dreadful for nine o'clock. "Damn! How'd you sleep?"

"Terribly," Cho and Marietta chorused, feeling the results of the sugar overload the night before.

"I'm not even going to ask," Castiel said, grabbing their hands and gently dragging them to the Great Hall.

When the Ravenclaws got to the Great Hall, they walked over to Cedric who was sitting at the Hufflepuff table, chatting to Beatrice Haywood, a third-year Hufflepuff.

"Hey, guy- whoa!" Cedric interjected, flabbergasted at the sight of Marietta and Cho. "Merlin's beard, you two look dead!"

"Tell us something we don't know, Ced," Marietta retorted.

"This is the result of too much sugar before bed," Cho elaborated, glaring daggers into Marietta.

"Terrible feeling, believe me," Beatrice spoke up. "Hi, I'm Beatrice Haywood, but everyone calls me Bea. I take it you're Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe and Castiel Redgrave?"

"That's us," the aforementioned replied.

"So how's Ravenclaw?" Cedric asked.

"It's damn cool! You should see the common room, it's got a piano-" Castiel began.

"A perfect view of the quidditch pitch-" Cho followed up.

"And a library," Marietta finished.

"Wow! That sounds nice!" Cedric raved. "But the Hufflepuff common room is next to the kitchens, so we can sneak out for snacks whenever we want!"

"Best part of being in Hufflepuff I'd say!" Beatrice cheered. "Well, other than the very inclusive and friendly people-"

"ARE YOU BLOODY STUPID?" shouted Zacharias Smith to Terence Higgs.

"Friendly you say?" Castiel joked.

"I said I was sorry, what the hell is your problem?" Terence asked, clenching his fists.

"Terry, calm down he's not worth it!" Kali Agnihotri shrieked, holding Terence back.

"My problem? My problem is that you broke-" Zacharias hesitantly exclaimed, not wanting to reveal the real reason for his anger. "My problem is that you spilled pumpkin juice over my new shirt, you Death Eater scum!"

"How dare you! I may be the son of Death Eaters but don't you dare hold me to that standard, you condescending bastard!" Terence retorted.

"You foul piece of cr-"

"Mr Higgs! Mr Smith! Five points from Hufflepuff and Slytherin!" Sprout shouted from the Professors' table.

Heretic • C. Diggory Where stories live. Discover now