From Wiltshire With Love

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"So, Cedric," Castiel asked, "other than climbing trees, what else is there to do here?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not allowed out of the house most of the time, because of...reasons," Cedric chuckled nervously.

Castiel could see how jittery he was, judging by his body language. This told Castiel that Cedric would not respond well if he was pressured into telling, "I see."

In the 2 hours that followed, Cedric and Castiel got to know each other better, from Cedric's love for quidditch to Castiel's love for music, and debates about British and Middle Eastern cuisine. Their lips curled into broad smiles and their eyes shone with a feeling unfamiliar, yet pleasant, to both of them. This was certainly a moment they'd cherish for the rest of their lives.

This moment was, however, ruined by a gleaming, ethereal, silver light that took the form of a unicorn galloping at them.

Leo's voice suddenly emanated from the ghostly unicorn as it opened its mouth, "Cassie! It's time to come home! We've got to leave!" Castiel mumbled something about stubbornly doting fathers and stupid nicknames under his breath, and Cedric seemed to have heard him.

"Your father calls you Cassie?" Cedric asked curiously. Castiel gave him a death glare, though one could see his eyes were filled with mirth, "Yes he does. What of it?" "Oh, nothing. I think it's quite adorable, although you're a tad too...fiery for a nickname like that. Cas would be better, do you mind if I call you Cas?"

Castiel grinned like a fool at the new nickname Cedric gave him, "I don't mind at all. See you around...Ced." Now Cedric was the one grinning like a fool and his face turned a vibrant shade of red. "See you, Cas," Cedric breathed out as Castiel sauntered away.

Castiel was processing everything that had happened over the past few hours. First, Merlin comes to him saying that he and another are the only ones who can fix the balance between light and dark magic, and if they don't all magic in the world will die. Second, he learned that this 'world' is the Harry Potter universe.

This could be a problem as Castiel knew almost nothing about the Harry Potter series. All he knew was there was a boy named Harry who went to a school called Hogwarts and he was supposed to defeat some guy with no nose named Voldemort under the guidance of some old bloke with an unnecessarily long beard, and he was in a very forced relationship with a girl named...Jenny? Who looked like his mother? Well, that's at least what he heard from his past life. He hoped his limited knowledge would be enough to get by.

Third, he just became friends with a character from the series. This truly was the weirdest morning he had in both his lives.

As he entered Redgrave Manor he saw his mother, Ruya, running around levitating various items. "What do I give him- oh, Cassie, hello! Go take a shower and do your hair, your outfit is on your bed." Castiel groaned at that accursed nickname, "Mother, you know I hate that nickname, call me Cas instead. By the way, where are we going?" "We're going to Malfoy Manor for Draco's birthday party."

...fourth, he had to attend a birthday party for one of the worst people in the world. If there was anything Castiel knew for sure about the Harry Potter series, it was that Draco Lucius Malfoy was a...what was it they called him again? Ah yes, a foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach.

As Castiel examined his outfit, which consisted of a gothic style tuxedo with a ruffled necktie and cufflinks bearing the Redgrave family crest, he prayed to every deity he could think of in the hopes that Draco didn't test him at the party. "If he does it'll turn into a funeral," Castiel muttered with every ounce of venom he could muster.

"Leo, are you sure we should still go to this party?" asked Ruya. "Of course, I'm sure, Ruya!" Leo replied. "It's been quite a while since we last saw Cissy. Plus I think it'd be good for Castiel. He can make some wizard friends, you know? It'll good for him if he goes to Hogwarts."

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