Chapter 2- new opportunity

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Sunday 1am
[The next day]

⚠️TW: suicide⚠️

The building was tall. A sky scraper if you will.
As the clouds drifted in the wind you could see them float through the summit.
It was almost poetic.

The brown haired girl missed her parents more than anything—she would've given anything to see them again.

Even her own life...

She had thought about getting revenge on her parents murderers,
But didn't have the energy to act on her desires,
She was too tired. More and more tears glided down her face. They followed the same path as the previous tears. Only now they stung.

She wandered the street in hopes of finding something tall enough to end her suffering.
She wanted it to be over. And quickly...
As a result, she found the tallest building she could find.

And jumped.

The pain was just too great for the girl to handle.
And What would she do without the people she loved the most ?

Her goal was to try and join her parents in heaven—or wherever they ended up,


Someone intervened.

A villain who went by the name Himiko toga,
Happened to be passing by.
Turns out that the league of villains hide out was just around the corner from where Ochaco Uraraka had tried to kill her self.

[A/N: Pretty convenient if I do say so myself...]

For what ever reason the villain caught uraraka in her arms —well she tried to...
The speed at which uraraka was falling, she pretty much fell on top of her.

"OWWW!!" The villain cried "I think my arms are broken!!! How am I supposed to stab people nowwww!!!" She squealed and pouted.

Uraraka woke from her daze, "what...why—why am I still, a-alive..."

The villain continued to ramble about her injuries and how much pain she was in
—very obviously exaggerating everything.
She hadn't even realised who she tried to save, and if she was ok.

"I think I'm gonna dieeeeeee EEEEKK OWWW!!!!"
"This is gonna take MONTHS for me to fully recover...omg WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH OUT BLOOD?!" Toga cried as she sat there and pouted again. The villains exorbitant whining echoed in the dark alley, it's a miracle nobody cared enough to investigate.

Uraraka began to sob uncontrollably, she muttered to herself, so quietly not even she could hear,"all i wanted to do was die and i couldn't even do that right."

Toga eventually stopped talking to herself and heard someone crying.

"Oh, Uhhhh...ummmm—are you...good ?"

Uraraka just glared at the villain with teary eyes, Toga had seen many awful things in her life, But that one glare shook her to the core.

"So uhhh— did you like, try to...kill your self?"

"So what if I did, it didn't fucking work, did it."

Villain uraraka ~ A fallen angel Where stories live. Discover now