Where are you?

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The sails rocketed Into the air like Giants leaning over to get a closer look at you. The boat swayed softly as the wind pushed it.

I flew over the crystal water that washed upon the sand. Then the grass started but soon enough it turned into streets and houses than buildings that rocketed into the sky and then there were people, real people walking on the ground. They were dancing, lying, playing upon the ground doing things that only existed in my wildest dreams.

The city lay in the distant glow as it continued to long grass and sticks that turned. The sky started to grow darker but it moved closer towards it. Mountains lay ahead but it kept going faster and faster, lowering closer to the ground with each glide.

It was now inches from ground scraping its wings against the dusted orange, dessert floor. The mountains grew bigger the closer it came.

Seconds left of its life it got so close it's beak touched the face of the mountain. Then darkness.

I woke.

I woke up panting, drenched in sweat.

"This dreams keep haunting me, why?" I said to myself.

I have school today. Yay! Note the sarcasm. The only good thing about school was my best friend Luke. He's my age with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He's most girls dream and has the hearts of all the female population of Javan high. Except mine.

"Honey, Luke's here hurry up." Came the whiney voice of my mother. She was my only family I had well besides Luke. Her mid length brown hair fell down to her shoulders much like mine but mines more wavy and longer. Her small petite figure matched mine our only difference is that she's a lying cow and I'm a descent human being.

"Coming mother," I spat.

I quickly got dressed into a short denim dress with lace in the middle. I added a brown leather jacket because it was cold out well it's always cold out.

I accessorised it with my diamond earrings that I got from dad when I was little, when I wear them he's with me.

I added stockings and leather boots, let my hair flow and ran up the stairs.

I grabbed an apple and raced out the door purposely ignoring my mother. When I got out the door, I saw Luke and quickly hugged him.

"Morning Lukey Pookey." I said to him with a big grin.

"Ugh are you ever going to stop calling me by that name you made up when we were kids?"

"Hmmm let me think about it. Nope!" I laughed, then quickly ran into the tunnel to school.

"Come back here Mia." Said Luke while he was chasing after me and since he's tall and a good runner it probably wont take long for him to catch up.

I looked through the tunnel windows, clouds hovered beneath us. Tunnels connected like the network of an ants nest. They held monorails that run on perfinite- global yay, yay gas they kept us all alive.

Monorails is our only transport anywhere everyone in the country uses them. So we have to hurry to get a seat on the 8:30.

"Ah" a gasp escaped my lips as Luke's hands grasped my waist.

Luke spun me around which turned us face to face. Luke's eyes quickly darted down to my lips. He's breath was so close I could taste the mint on his breath.

"Um.. Luke?"
He's hands flung from my waist like i had been exposed to the outside.

He's cheeks went red and he started fiddling with his hands.

"Got ya" an awkward chuckle fell from his lips.

"Okay" I said a little unsure of what had just happened.

"I'll beat you there" I yelled as I sprinted down the straight.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! What do u think? This book is written by me and my best friend TamsynH01
Hope u like it! Give us some feedback if u want more ☺️
Katey xx
Please read,comment and vote if u liked it!!! 💕

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