The breakout

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The bright prison cell was quiet, empty. The only noise was the footsteps of the occasional scientist who would walk past or the banging that would come from one of my neighbours.

An occasional scream would break out from somewhere near by, and it always made me flinch and curl into myself. The fear that had been coursing through my veins was beginning to feel familiar. It was the only emotion I really felt anymore.

The room was bright white, fluorescent lights burned my eyes and made them sting. The only furniture that it had was a single bed, devoid of any comfort. I stared up at the bright celling with emotionless eyes.

From its appearance one would expect it to smell sterile, like a hospital, however the room smelt damp and old, the contrast confusing to the senses. It was like its own form of torture.

Up is down, day is night. I can't tell the difference between 2pm and 2am due to the lack of windows. My body was starting to suffer from the lack of vitamin D.

There was a glass wall that looked out into a corridor, the wall opposite my cell was made of stone. I think that this is what it feels like to be an animal in a zoo, to be watched and observed be people walking past.

A lack of privacy and a never ending boredom. Sometimes I would find myself pacing back and forth, my mind blank as I looked for any distractions.

I've lost track of the number of days that I've been locked up in here. It could have been weeks, months, years. It was hard to tell.

My body was exhausted along with my mind from being poked and prodded by scientist trying to figure out what makes me tick, how to get me to use my abilities, how to weaponise me.

I was so tired, i don't want to be a weapon or a machine. I just want to go home. I want to see the sky and to feel the grass under my feet. I don't even know what the climate is outside.

A loud explosion woke me from my staring competition with the blank celling. A loud siren pierced my ears almost simultaneously.

I jumped hard and sat up straight, my eyes darting towards the glass window with my heart racing from the loud sounds that disturbed the silence. I watched as agents with guns rushed past towards the exit to try and hold off whoever caused the explosion.

The ear shattering explosions and gun shots continued for a while. The old building shaking and cracking, debris falling from the celling. I clutched the thin blanket tightly in my fists, trying to calm my racing heart. I took in shallow breaths as panic stirred within me.

I felt tense as what felt like the hundredth explosion went off in the distance. I flinched at the painful noise. It felt as though my ears could start bleeding from the agonising pain. I wanted to blame it on the lack of sound in this prison, but I have a feeling that it has more to do with the experiments.

Two figures appeared in front of my view and I jumped. I relaxed ever so slightly at the sight of people who I'm used to seeing in passing, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

I watched as the Maximoff twins made their way towards the exit. before they left, Wanda Maximoff turned around and stared at me through the glass wall.

I swallowed thickly at the intense look in her eyes. She walked up to the glass and used her powers to unlock the door. Wanda gave me a slight nod before she was lifted by her twin and they disappeared in a blur of blue light.

The possibility of escaping sparked the smallest amount of hope to my shattered body, though the fear of getting caught by an agent was trying to get a hold of my mind.

After weighing the pros and cons of my escape, I decided to bite the bullet and stand up from the uncomfortable bed. Surely getting shot by an officer is worth the risk of freedom. I had to try. I hesitantly walked over to the glass door and placed my hand on the handle, I pushed down and slowly opened the door.

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