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I would like to clarify that English is not my first language.

And remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

And it is not wrong for someone to state their opinion on something.

So, any hate or rudely pointed criticism, towards anyone, will not be condoned.


ESPRESSO © crimsonova 2024 All Rights Reserved.

This story may not be reproduced, republished, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission by the author.

This book is written for fun and not for commercial reasons.

This book is a work of fan fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are either created by the authors imagination or taken from the Bullet Train Movie (which belongs to Sony Pictures, Entertainment Company), or any other franchise, only if stated, for which the author does not own.

The author owns whatever that is not in the Bullet Train Movie, or any other franchise, like original characters, specific things said by other characters, etc...

Anything else would be purely coincidence.

The author does not own the picture and website used for the cover or any other pictures used for this work of fan fiction.

The author also does not own any music/song or any of the poems mentioned in this work of fan fiction.

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